They don’t care about his lies, idiocy, or hypocrisy, they only care about securing power to advantage themselves and oppress the groups they think are beneath them. Thats all. Same reason why they elected Mango Mussolini!
They don’t care about his lies, idiocy, or hypocrisy, they only care about securing power to advantage themselves and oppress the groups they think are beneath them. Thats all. Same reason why they elected Mango Mussolini!
Can’t-Dance Owens must be making a pretty penny from all this chicoonery.
That made me laugh but exactly. I have never understood how they claim “I never use that word” but then slip up when they say: “Los Angeles N!gg’rz” or “Martin Luther Kune” and other stupid $h!t racists like to say. What I don’t understand is if they hate us so much, they know they can’t get rid of us so just leave us…
Jesus fucking christ...can’t believe he did that. It felt intentional. It felt like something stupid frat boys would dare each other to do. As if I needed more reasons to hate door-to-door sales people anyway. I don’t care if it’s a sweet old lady ringing my doorbell trying to sell me a basket of puppies...I’m going…
Will the millions of words and phrases floating around in the average person’s head, somehow he can only think of the word “nigger” when he’s trying to say “neighbor.” Not “headboard” or “namer” or “napalm” or anything else. Just straight to Hard R-land.
Posssible Reasons
1. He said it because he thought it would be “funny”.
2. He said it to see if it would be noticed, because he’s so clever.
3. He said it because in his own head, he calls black people the N-word all the time and it finally came out of his mouth.
4. He said it because it’s a common word in his…
I feel like Texas and Arizona are asking someone to hold their huffing rag so they can one up this.
“Florida is home to an extensive, interconnected network of white supremacists and other far-right extremists...”
To the average White GOP voter, a dumb controllable Black man is always more preferable than an educated “uppity” one. I think we all knew this was their strategy, whether they knew it initially or not.
His white supporters know he’s stupid, just as the MAGA crowd know Trump is dumb and evil. They will support Herschel Walker as long as he continues to signal he supports their white racist agenda. Hershel wants to be elected a black overseer on the republican plantation. That simple.
That’s right Chris! Call him out on that weak ass late “apology”!
Pretty much SOP for them. County cop gets caught drunk is a city cop. City cop beats up is a county cop. Rinse Repeat.
She doesn’t have to worry. There are plenty of jurisdictions within a half days drive from Cincinnati who would probably hire her based on the body cam footage.
It was the highlight of the article. I didn’t even need to read anymore after that.
“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’ I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first,” LeCroix said.”
I also doubt that that was all she said. As noted elsewhere, too many conservatives have false-flagged being “attacked by antifa/BLM”. False narratives as taught by Faux News seem to be a theme.
Non-zero chances = not slim enough.
Me neither. Mums the word.
Clearly there’s an upbringing element at play here; my mom is a near-total pacifist, but I’m pretty sure she’d have gone Wilson-Fisk-with-a-car-door on me if I’d ever said it.