So. Question... where should the hyphen go?
So. Question... where should the hyphen go?
I want a short range EV converted classic VW Beetle, just for around town toodling. Not some Tesla swap monstrosity but a small, lightweight single axle drivetrain and as little extra modernization as possible. Just enough added safety stuff under the skin but without any visible electronic doodads/interior crap. 2k…
How do you know that he didn’t take the meat home as food?
Also, tweeting “somebody should shoot that fucking n****r f****t” is perfectly fine, since I reported that comment and was told that it did not violate their standards.
Hilarity anew that she appears to think these “regular” fuckwits could use their AR-15s to hit something at 60,000 feet.
Okay, speaking as someone who is already a snob about the texture and flavor of salmon (wild versus farmed, Pacific versus Atlantic, etc), this seems like the wrong place to be putting our energy in plant-based proteins. If there were, say, four solid plant-based generic protein options like red meat, poultry, fish…
So weird she claims to be a Christian, yet claims she prays for someone to die..
Can we sing it like the Billy Goat Tavern skit line, “Cheezborger! Cheezborger!”
I think it’s because there’s always something so needy about his expression.
The one achievement he would not have to fabricate.
Why does he always look like he’s competing for “Most Punchable Face”.
I envisioned something more like an ekranoplan, don’t need much altitude if you’re sampling the underlying substrate.
Most people we contact are happy to get the treatment they need. Occasionally people refuse treatment and isolation. When that happens, we take steps to help keep the community safe.
Reducing executive salaries or bonuses is just lip service and easily compensated for through additional stock allocations, or deferred incentive structures.
I’d like to know if it’s permanent, though. During the pandemic they announced executives at my company would be doing that... but it was really just deferred, and they got all that money back after the layoffs and furloughs were over.
It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing.