
He was shot down by a SAM you dumbass. He spent over five years as a POW, after fracturing his arms and a leg and getting bayoneted by his captors. He only received medical treatment days later when they figured out who his dad was. Then when he refused to be released early for North Vietnamese propaganda reasons, he

When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don’t ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow.

Some of us have families.

Blah blah blah. Nice sliders. Don’t care.

Wow, way to totally ignore why people were saying that it was a “damned if they do damned if they don’t”. Seriously, not one mention of the actual argument that these people were making.

Seriously. A white guy learning kung-fu secrets is even slightly transgressional by stereotype standards. An asian dude with mystic martial arts powers is not.

Not every character Marvel casts has to be a gay black amputee I’m so sorry.

Counterpoint: No it doesn’t.

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

“Scottie, I’m yours” sounds like something plenty of 20-30 year olds could be saying to him now.

One common design element does not an identical car make. Please stop doing this.

He’s like the human equivalent of skyline chili.

If the rest of the team did their job, his only stats would have been XPs.

That ginger bastard got what was comin’ to him.

It’s also missing crimson-colored TruckNutz, a Confederate flag, and a gun rack.

Over 3 years after it landed on Mars and it’s still trucking around. That’s pretty amazing.

Jesus, that’s a long way down.

Lens flare to be added in post.