
That’s not a drift, it’s a power slide.

Having a front-wheel foot-pedal e-brake probably didn’t help much.

You have pleased my girlfriend, sir. Wait, that sounded ....

Here I was thinking it was describing a stoner.

Because some guys, even if they are former military, find it real hard to “let it go”. And police departments love themselves to look like military, because they think they are. Listen, guys, you are done with the military (if you are reserve, you can go back to be military while doing your reserve work), you need to

Noticed that too. But he seemed so nonchalant about it I imagine he’s pretty experienced in dealing with that vibrator-on-wheels.

Yeah, Wilders is a neo-Nazi. Good job Texas.

“Pictures coming out from the event, both before and after the shooting, show extremely well equipped soldiers draped in desert camouflage, hands-free communications gear, body armor and tactical chest rigs full of spare ammunition and expendables, along with tricked out AR-15 “

Now playing

Maybe, but Leh Keen would still pass you in a street car (should start at 1:56).

OMG purpose built race car destroys street cars news at 11.

I can't believe I just watched 55 seconds of that, what's wrong with me???

Re: Mr. Musk’s tweet.

It doesn't sound like 9/10 of him were killed or removed if he only needed 6 stitches.

You and Vin Diesel.

this is the most important guide to consider when spectating at a rally

Agreed, that'd be hella-handy.

Yeah. But nowadays, people can't even be bothered to check the air pressure in their tires, or change their oil more than once in a while.