The Witty Savant

Yeah, there was definitely some bus throwing any way you look at it, but we did get *a* reason.

“I don’t know where my ideas come from, but I know where they come to. They come to my desk, and if I’m not there, they go away again.”

“In the beginning was the word. Then came the fucking word processor. Then came the thought processor. Then came the death of literature. And so it goes.”

I disagree, but I laughed. Take your damn star. 😂

I mean... not releasing Black Widow content to the public has been their MO for thirteen years; why should we expect i that to change now?

*gasp* Ben Shapiro, racist? My good sir, that is libel! He has black friends!

Well yes, it is technically something. But it’s not something we’ll be able to measure until I convince CERN to jerry-rig the LHC to where it measures the properties of quantum economics instead of quantum physics... but we’re going to need it to measure anything that small. (It shouldn’t be that hard, right? I mean,

Well, the counterargument there is that deleting your account is useless in effecting a change in behavior, because then their only profitable response is to cater more specifically to the people who haven’t left. I suppose if you could organize a mass-delete — X million number of people deleting their accounts on

“Perhaps most heartbreakingly, nearly 40% of the survey respondents said they were hesitant to have kids.”

If you’re in a business or some other place where there are clearly defined authority figures, immediately go talk to them. Like, if you’re in a grocery store, just take the kids straight to the front and have them send a message out over the intercom.

Avoid touching children at all unless you are a childcare provider.”

He not only was, but is & will almost certainly remain one. And everyone knew it. Hell, the Boondocks made an entire episode about how terrible he was back in the mid-2000s — & we as a society just collectively ignored it for a dozen years.

Reminds me of that old quotation from Edwin Edwards while he was still the governor of Louisiana: "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

Ummm, we call them People of Reptilian Descent now.

She sent Biden a letter recently, wherein she demanded that he start an investigation into Dr Fauci, because of some conspiracy theory or another.. .. Then she said she wanted to get a report of his findings before June 31

I suppose “not seeing color” may have had its good sides back when it only meant seeing who to lynch or discriminate against, but nowadays it means not seeing your own privilege & not being able to recognize the differences between your cultures, which makes you part of the problem.

So basically you don't think the government should kill *people.*

It's my understanding that Venus got destroyed by Mars, repeatedly, until Vulcan finally caught the two of them together.

So basically it’s a way to give smartphones a copy/paste method that’s as fast as Ctrl+V.

Wikipedia says he’s co-writing with someone named Scott Teems.