the wise king

I hope that will be in the series finale.

Lets have pastor Tim be a spy, that would make the show even better.

I hope there are more close calls in the show and Philip and Elizabeth just barely escape by the skin of their teeth.

here is an idea for the series finale, the FBI finds out who Philip and Elizabeth really are and they go on the run and get killed along the way.

Lets make pastor Tim a spy and Paige finds out and she tries to tell the FBI but gets killed before she could tell.

Lets have Stan start to investigate the Jennings family again and he comes close to finding out the truth.

Then her parents have to kill Stan, and they they have to go on the run.

Lets add a plot twist to the show and have pastor Tim be a secret spy.

Lets have Paige tell pastor Tim everything and then Paige finds out that pastor Tim is also a spy.

Lets have Paige tell pastor Tim everything and pastor Tim is also a spy.

I was kind of hoping that Paige would find out that her parents were spies by catching them in public in disguise.

Lets make paster Tim a KGB spy, that would be a plot twist.

It would be crazy if pastor Tim was a KGB agent.

Every kid wants to stay home from school.

What if pastor Tim was a secret KGB agent, that would be a good twist to the story.

It would be a good story twist if pastor Tim was a secret KGB agent.

It would be some shit if pastor Tim was a secret KGB agent.