Happy for Chris LaMartina. WNUF and Call Girl of Cthulhu are great films.
Happy for Chris LaMartina. WNUF and Call Girl of Cthulhu are great films.
I finally liked James Franco in something. Or at least, I didn't mind James Franco in something.
Night Flier is one of the best. Hokey costume, but a vamp that is actually frightening.
Yeah, I like monster of the week more as well. The conspiracy stuff went off the rails around season 3. It was the same reason I started watching Supernatural. They had so many great X-Files crew and cast members and did fun monster of the week episodes and it too lost itself along the way.
It's an Alex Jones stand in. Joel McHale is a fine host for a show, but he sucks at acting.
Art Bell and Coast to Coast and "The Chase" belong together.