
Oh, hey guys. I heard there’s a delusional party happening here. Cool, can I come in? In all seriousness, your disconnection from reality is very Trumpy and adorable.

Seriously, that suit looks terrible. Wrinkled all up and down the arms and pulling at the buttons—that jacket is hanging on for dear life by a thread.

Nick Jonas’s jacket is at least one size too small. There’s a huge difference between slim and tight. One is stylish and the other is clueless.

I agree. Frank’s acting is schtick. I’m totally fine whenever he’s not on the screen. He and Debbie can go jump off a bridge together.

Thank you. People are loving him and he really bothers me.

In other words, she’s amazing. I’d take that aunt over the boring aunt in a bad sweater driving her 2003 Honda Accord any day of the week.

Huh? That’s literally her entire point for raising all the money she did. She would be required to pay the entire payroll of every person doing the recount and raised enough money to do so. It wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime.

That was brutal. I assume you watched it over and over because it made you feel better about your own life choices, right?

Yeah, couldn’t listen to more than a minute. And then dancing like they’re stripping to techno when it had the energy of a ballad on a Casio keyboard was awkward.

Hahaha! Totally. What a terrible song. Five voices on autotune and a Casio keyboard. I could only watch a minute. Awkward AF.

Because the other 27% have standards.

When the all-female reboot of the Ocean’s franchise was announced earlier this year, I had high hopes.

Man in the High Castle is TERRIBLE. And I even gave it three or four episodes. Totally trite bullshit. I couldn’t stand it.

I agree. Fake bangs or fake wig.

Pretty sure that’s a wig. If not, she should get her money back.

There’s a saying in 12 step rooms called “Compare and Despair” because it’s so common and never a good idea.

Their financial security is a moot point. When you’re mentally ill, it doesn’t matter if one’s job is shit or dreamy. It’s all overwhelming and impossible. Everyone’s problems are relative to their own experience. Just because their baseline is different, doesn’t make their struggle less strenuous or deserving of

I agree. This is a non-story but is falling under the trend of cultural outrage.

It was produced by Universal and written by several American writers like Tony Gilroy and Bob Zemeckis and likely stars a Hollywood movie star because it cost $135m to make and casting Matt Damon will increase its likelihood of being a worldwide hit.

Exactly. I commented above that that’s a Yogurt and Almonds Twice A day body and not a Gym Rat body.