
It's interesting to compare Marcus & McFeely's social commentary here to that in Steven Soderbergh's nearly contemporary period drama. When you think about the depth to which Soderbergh was able to take his critique in The Knick— he touched on themes as diverse as racism, sexism, family sexual violence, and structural

Prove it? More than I can say for myself, sure, but if you're gonna criticize it's only polite to bring data with you.

I understand that the tone of the review has to sound appropriately censurious because Sorkin straight-up bungled the college rape plotline last episode. And failed to write substantial female characters. And mistook sanctimony for reasoned argument. And perhaps that was my own personal Shibboleth to establish a

This show takes a few creative licenses with its medical history, fudging discoveries by a few years here and misattributing a procedure to a character there. That being said, this is one of the best medical dramas on television and much as I would have liked the series' perspective to be more historically perfect,

Just WOW. The dramaturgy and narrative depth of this series is astounding. Take it from someone who works with people who use drugs, Thack's cocaine withdrawal looks like cocaine withdrawal; his opiate withdrawal looks like opiate withdrawal. The snozberries taste like snozberries.