
It’s because they’ve never done any actual work.

C’mon, that was Teddy Roosevelt.

Shouldn’t these people all be outside getting some fresh air?

I have that problem every time I go to Austin.

That’s Dale Junior in a wig.


But nice roads are what those scary European “socialists” have.

I just threw up in my mouth there.

So here’s the thing - I remember seeing the over-produced ESPN piece (narrated by Tom Rinaldi, natch) that accompanies this article months ago. Suddenly, the world wide leader (retch) was showing this again last night as if it had never been seen before and apropos of, basically, nothing.

I was at Camp Pendleton years ago involved in a corporate team building exercise. There was a buffet dinner included in the activity and everything was “military” themed - think camo nets, a couple old helmets and various green metal boxes. I suggested that the dessert station be name “Dessert Storm” but noone thought

It’s pathetic watching you guys use lousy puns to angle for stars and get yourselves out of the greys.

So I like sports but I don’t think I would ever have known - let alone cared - that Dirk Nowitzki threw up an air ball.

They will ask you to put your lifejacket on in the event of an emergency landing even over land - that yellow thing helps search and rescue crews find your body in the wreckage.

I’ve never seen this happen on a US domestic flight, only requests to put the shades down in warm sunny places to keep the plane cooler. This is something I only ever hear on foreign carriers.

Air Namibia?

I saw that! Amazing stuff.

UPS leadership will do ANYTHING to save money whenever and wherever possible, no matter the human cost.

Curious where you were flying from. USMC or Navy Hornets?

You’re no fun.

NATO chemtrail operations in full effect there. Don’t believe the “intercept” story - that’s pure cover.