Dr. Oroboros


I mean, it’s a funny line, but moving us to the metric system is 1000000x more beneficial and sane than anything anybody uttered on stage last night.

It’s like none of you have ever played Ingress. It looks beautiful but in practice it is simply flaccid. Useless. Pointless. I’m so sorry but all dreams die.

To be fair, I think we’re all forgetting about the Huckabee Corollary, which states that gay people are gross and icky and have special gay cooties, allowing for one to discriminate against them. You know, science.

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

That moment when you realize social chair Braxton booked the Beta Butt Chug Formal on the same night that Entourage comes out on DVD.

Do folks deserve to mend their ways though?

“Players who have had Low Priority Queues won’t be affected unless they have had 20 min Low Priority Queues. “

It’s simple, don’t be a dick. There you go. You get your victorious skin still.


A woman finds herself struggling to fight because she gets weak-kneed around other women. Okay, they have had storylines in the past where straight characters have had had issues with the opposite sex.

It’s been something else to watch the fallout from the fan translations. People have gotten really nasty with one another, and it’s kind of disheartening. The way I see it is: you’re perfectly within your right not to feel affected by this. As a queer person, this doesn’t ‘offend’ me in that it seems like the standard

Wonder if you will ever have a non-shitty comment to make.


You can tell it is a golf club, because it just fucking is one.

Right... But how many are good or different. As a Vita owner, starting to be rather disappointed with the purchase.

The laws of many countries, particularly assisted suicides specifically. In the USA suicide is considered a common law crime, but rarely enforced.

In Germany they say, left this life of his/her own free will. It is more gentle than any of the phrases listed above.

It comes down to your level of idealism. I hate the idea of being fake, it’s not my job to be interesting or funny or serious or any one single label every day. There are days that I am full of jubilance and others where I am serious and want nothing more than to work alone.