The Weary Luddite

Not true. They say it when the person is the victim of a police shooting.

“Thank goodness he’s black” is also a phrase no one at Fox News ever uttered.

I think it was sort of sexist as used in the ad they flagged, but that ad didn’t seem like the typical version of that meme. Usually it’s almost a version of the meme where the man in the desert goes the wrong way- the offended woman is something sensible and the other woman is something frivolous aka something like

Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.

Anyone find this kind of silly given the context of murdering hundreds of people in a death game built around the same style of another game on the same engine which was built on the story of japanese school children mudering each other that was stolen by a random white lady for a popular book then movie series?

Personally, I don’t think anyone is “virgin shaming” (this is a thing now?) Like Corinne, I think he’s lying through his caps.

The only answer I’ve ever heard to this, is that the women who are on the show want to be there. A weak argument, though.

Serious question, no snark — How is The Bachelor(ette) compatible with feminism? I’ve never understood how when it comes to exploiting women, this show gets a pass.

The memes of the many outweigh the memes of the few.

The ends justify the memes.

This was inevitable. Meme-ception.

Or, God’s an asshole. 

Today, I am a manatee.

If they do on-the-nose anti-racism as well as they did on-the-nose queer teen drama in the first games, I am so in for the long haul. Thanks for the rad coverage!

Those golden parachutes aren't cheap.

Hey, the CEO and a few higher ups need their severance. I mean, they just liquidated a company. That’s a lot of hard work that deserves a hefty payout. /x