Wow. The Luigi in Mario 64 was a huge part of my youth - I did almost everything I could in that game (triple backflip off a particular tree in the courtyard, for example) to try to unlock him. My childhood’s mind is blown.
Wow. The Luigi in Mario 64 was a huge part of my youth - I did almost everything I could in that game (triple backflip off a particular tree in the courtyard, for example) to try to unlock him. My childhood’s mind is blown.
Wow. The Luigi in Mario 64 was a huge part of my youth - I did almost everything I could in that game (triple backflip off a particular tree in the courtyard, for example) to try to unlock him. My childhood’s mind is blown.
I’ve actually had this same issue in my apartment between my laptop and desktop (neither are close enough to plug in via ethernet). My laptop downloads at up to 100 megabytes per second, while my desktop will peak at maybe 7 megabytes per second - huge difference. Weird, too, because initial tests on my desktop hit…
Superhot VR really does feel like the definitive VR experience for me at the moment - the one that just makes it click. Too bad my space is too small to play it properly and I keep whacking my hands on stuff (my girlfriend accidentally punched me in the head while playing it and the edge of the controller left a…
Huh, interesting - I hadn’t heard that. The more you know.
I guess it depends on how skilled the players are on their respective platforms. Seems like a huge advantage to me for PC, but each to their own.
Ehhh I don’t know about “debunked,” I see a pretty clear advantage for PC between framerate and mouse+KB in Call of Duty’s BR, but hey, opinions are free.
Man, PC players are going to have a massive advantage over poor console players - especially with how bad I imagine that game is going to run on the switch.
Yeahh, 35% on Steam on release seems to agree with you - yikes. Guessing the dev team is hurting for cash amid Covid right now.
Early Access is why Original Sin 1 and 2 became such incredible games. I won’t be playing in Early Access, and will likely wait past release for the likely “Enhanced Edition” several years from now - an incredibly polished product based on widespread fan feedback will be worth the wait.
Wild - I had this thought as well while watching it, but thought maybe it was just the lighting - but then my girlfriend (completely unprompted) said the same thing. Part of it was how they moved and spoke - just slightly unreal. Pretty interesting to see an article on this perspective too.
Right? I thought I was just crazy and it was how it was lit, but it was also how they moved - just slightly unreal.
So hyped. An incredible showing from Sony - the best “E3" they’ve had in memory. The ONLY thing that would have made it better was a Dragon’s Dogma 2 announcement - oh well, maybe next year.
Funny enough, these screenshots look identical to my nostalgia goggles. I actually reviewed this game at the time and was far too harsh on it - I came to love the game in retrospect and was really upset the company folded before they could release a follow-up. I never got around to the DLC so I’ll probably pick this…
Honestly I’m more worried how unconcerned my parents are. They’re one hundred percent this meme and this is not the fucking time (they are ~70s and my dad is fighting cancer). And my mom had to go to Arizona for a week RIGHT NOW with her best friend who’s been pushing the essential snake oil on her for years and my…
I genuinely hope that your family is not affected by the virus, and I think it’s insane that the current administration is woefully unprepared and looking at charging ludicrous amounts for any potential vaccine.
Gaming FOMO is killing me these days. Anything like this with timed cosmetics or ranking rewards just makes me never want to dive into the game again after I’ve been away. I played this heavily for the first few weeks, like you (and most folks), as well as TFT, burnt out, and haven’t looked back. Now it just feels…
I get that my phrasing sounded cold, I’m just saying “the end of civilization” in that comment was a vast overstatement. Everyone is getting hyped up into an alarmist frenzy over this, while reports are stating that it’s pretty much inevitable to spread and most cases are mild. I just got back from two weeks in Asia…
Meh, coronavirus panic sounds overblown. It’s basically gonna be a new flu from what I’ve read. Only like 2% of people die, and that’s old folks and those with compromised immune systems.