Good ol’ Prinny, changing the spelling of “dude” for me for life.
Good ol’ Prinny, changing the spelling of “dude” for me for life.
I mean if anyone needs a last minute Halloween costume idea...
Totally agree - loved the first BL, couldn’t get into the second one for some reason (which seems to be most folks’ favorite), didn’t bother with the pre-sequel, and I have been having an absolute blast with BL3. It’s fantastic and I think it was a good thing they took so long between sequels on it.
This just reminded me how uncomfortable the chicken dance makes me.
Yeah I’m generally a little GET OFF MY LAWN about e-sports stars, but that was good.
Yep - I was genuinely surprised to see this post, I thought they’d pulled all new dev support.
What the fuck’s your problem?
Drat - it wasn’t particularly cheap. Welp, still looking forward to it!
I pre-ordered this for my girlfriend’s Switch a few days ago and I’m looking forward to playing it. I signed her up on my gym membership a few weeks ago but we’ve only gone together once so far, and I’m hoping this will be the gateway drug we need toward exercising together more.
Team Gaga on this one. As a lifelong nerd, Fortnite and “Celebrity Gamers” have me ready to jump on my hat and shout at passersby from my imaginary lawn chair.
Severely not digging the tryptophobia eyes on that piece of artwork.
Same - always hated this fucker and got shit for it - just something about him skeezed me out. Sometimes creep radar is a thing, as it turns out.
The Ocarina of Time fishing mini-game was the most thrilling and satisfying discovery as a kid. I still love it when it appears in a game, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to top how that made me feel - I’m glad it made this list.
I loved the story and characters in the Ezio trilogy (legit cried at the end of the last one), but the gameplay is simply better than it’s ever been at this point. The switch to an RPG with actually fun combat was such a game changer (I didn’t play Origins, but I hear this is a much better, refined version of that, so…
The Ezio games are the only open world games I’ve completed 100% in years (but also I was fresh out of college and a long relationship, living with my parents, and had nothing much else to do).
Riiiiiight. I too got the gold edition. I gotta stop doing that with games!
Hoooooooly. I had no idea it could be that long. That makes diving back in even more daunting, ha! It’s one of those “one day” games for me, but knowing me the new one will be out before I get around to beating down my game queue enough to get back to it.
This is a good reminder that I still need to finish the game - and probably never will. Honestly, this has been my favorite AC game since the Ezio trilogy, but holy nuts was it way too big. I put in more hours than I could count and barely scratched the surface (let alone the DLC). I think I might be too old (and too…
I’m bummed because I’m playing Fl4k and hadn’t unlocked that yet - on the brightside I guess I won’t notice the nerf lol.
That scene fucked me uppp as a kid.