The Weary Luddite

ALSO strong agree on Ansel. I hate that kid. Ellie’s Ansel nemesis articles were my favorite thing on the internet for a very long time.

Also J. Law was fantastic in Winter’s Bone and I’ll never be convinced otherwise. After that we just sort of overdosed on her, and I blame the medias for that one. Crown your star then tear her down. That was sad to watch.

Always have agreed with Chris Evans being bad at acting, but recently I realized that’s because he was Captain America all along, and Captain America isn’t good at being anyone but Captain America. I’ll miss u, Cap.

I guess I just have a hard time justifying the amount of time MMOs demand these days without having it be a truly social activity with IRL friends. I just wish I could get one of those to dive in with me, but it’s a hard proposition in your 30s - everyone’s so busy with life these days (myself included).

Yeah, I feel like MMOs are hugely dependent on who you play with. I got hardcore in GW2 but as much as I love that game it’s just not as fun without friends.

Man, I really wish I still had hardcore nerdy friends that would MMO with me. I tried getting into FFXIV several times on my own and I just couldn’t do it - but goddamn, I miss good MMOs.

What the fuuuuuuuuck. Humanity is due for an extinction event. Particularly the men. (Myself included, probably!)

Came to my classic Kotaku source for takes on this season after finally getting it on the Epic sale (as well as the new one) and was sad to see such negative takes in the review and comments. I adored the first season - who didn’t? - but the second season was oppressively depressing and seemed to revel in bad things

As someone with a negative net worth, I beg to differ.

As a once ardent Destiny player, I’ll admit, I mostly forgot about Destiny 2, despite having bought the season pass for this year. How’s it doing these days (nerfs aside)? Worth diving back into? The first year of D2 left a bad taste in my mouth I couldn’t shake, and all my friends left for BR pastures. I did truly

Already have one guy in my movies group losing it. Personally, I’m kinda game for this. I like underdogs, and ever since RPatz started unsubtly announcing his hate for Twilight, he’s kinda pulled a Bella on me.

This is one of those magic games that just perfectly nails atomsphere and blends in roguelite mechanics in a satisfying manner. I still haven’t beaten it (though I have restarted it at least five times) - the game is also hard as hell, but in a rather satisfying way.

Everyone dies!

Thank you! I knew there was a game out there I was thinking of.

This is a good problem to have. Those of us that have the opposite problem have vastly brutalized wallets and only a handful of digital pixels to show for it. (Though I have come to enjoy the online communities that pop up around these games.)

Wasn’t there a super similar game to this a while back? Medieval stealth game featuring a woman and a girl? Or am I crazy? Because I feel kinda crazy.

In GoT? Watch the episode. Not gonna spoil that for you! 

*Pretty* sure this dude is joking. 

It’s kinda sad to realize that Game of Thrones is probably going to take up the meme mantle that once belonged to, “Still a better ending than Dexter.”

I think DB decided that central theme to GoT is “nothing matters and everything is terrible” and that’s what we’re getting out of this trainwreck of a final mini-season. Pretty fun, eh?