Thanks a bunch! That was from the first roll of film I shot - it was expired by a few decades, had no idea how it would turn out.
Thanks a bunch! That was from the first roll of film I shot - it was expired by a few decades, had no idea how it would turn out.
Not to shamelessly promote, but if anyone’s up for another spooky story, I wrote this super short story last night based off some creepy photos I took in the woods last week:
Vaguely OT, but did anyone here see Kiernan Shipka in The Blackcoat’s Daughter? If not, go watch that ASAP - it will give you your Halloween chills and then some. Beautifully filmed and a total slow-burn with what remains to this day one of the creepiest scenes I’ve ever seen. (HINT: IT HAPPENS IN A BASEMENT, LIKE…
I got hardcore into L2: Rev earlier this year. I was in most of the top 100 leaderboards on our server, and spent a good portion of my days on that game (surprising how you can do that when the game mostly plays itself for the bulk). Part of it was nostalgia of the original L2 in my early college days, part of it was…
Thought this was actually whats-his-face on first glance.
Right? I feel like I have some pretty neat ones (my side gig is an actual photographer, so I feel like they can’t be all that terrible), but 0 likes.
No one ever upboats my photos and it makes me sad. :C
Does... does science work like that?
Oh, hell yeah - great album. With that hair I shoulda known you’d like the same music I like.
Thank you for this. Being that my unplayed backlog of shame dates back to the RDR era, I never played RDR, despite hearing it was one of the best games ever made and having a still packaged copy gifted to me by a friend, many, many years ago.
That shit haunts me every fuckin’ day because of those movies. People are like “humans are surprisingly durable” and I’m like “NO WE ARE TISSUE PAPER IN A HURRICANE” and then I curl into a small ball and wonder how long it will take my cat to eat me when I die in a freak accident in my apartment.
Ha - I was going to mention the Rock Against Bush albums and was pleased to find this tweet.
Ha - I discovered this an hour ago, after being 30 hours of the game. I was on my ship at the stern and was like “o a box wut is in it,” then happily realized there was nothing inside (yet).
Poke them with a long stick. And don’t use daggers. (Early on, I tried to finish a kill-5-sharks message board quest on hard with my highest DPS weapon of the moment: daggers. It took... time.)
Yep. That’s a cat for you.
I think that’s part of why roguelikes have always been so appealing to me. You start again when you die, but better equipped in terms of gameplay knowledge (and sometimes physically stronger, depending on the mechanics), to find a remixed version of the game with new randomly generated goodies.
You really don’t have to grind - I’m playing the game on hard and it’s fine. The microtransactions are dumb, but they’re not even remotely tempting - buying them literally seems like paying to have less fun in the game.
Motion sickness is a major sticking point for VR - there’s no disputing that. It’s worth addressing in reviews, at the very least. I get this isn’t a review, but I don’t think one minor humorous quip is worth suggesting the writer is unfit for an article.
Thanks man - I really appreciate this! Part of it is probably that I was trying to be lazy and sit - I’ll have to try standing more.