
Alert the wood nymphs? But Joanna Newsom isn't due for a new album…

Truffle Oil is bad, Cronuts are overrated and Brunch is totally ok mostly becaue I like sleeping in a little

yup, that's the only thing I can't believe, everything else going on I find totally believable, hit it right on the head there

Can't believe we're at the point where there are 2 Fast apologist

The weird thing about Actraiser is that the town simulator part is, in a vacumn, absolute crap. There's no real deep strategy behind it, it offers no real benefits to gameplay (ok you can find a few items that you can use in the action sequences, whoop de doo) but it helps foster an emotional attachment to the setting

NBA Jam but with an updated roster (and have the original roster accessible via codes)

Only angry loners without a multi tap think SoE is better than SoM

There's probably 20-30 more deserving games that need to be on this over Arcana

Flat screen? The input lag would be unbearable…

How dare you forget the revolving door of spastic female sidekicks

I mean to be fair Ambrose HAS been ready for Primetime for a while. It's like we're ignoring some of the absolutely amazing matches he's had in the past. The problem with Dean is for a man with as limited a moveset as he has (whether that's his choice, booking's choice or both) he shouldn't wrestle as many matches as

Forgettable? I see it on so many "Top X Jackie Chan Movies" lists

Yah that's what I thought, most modern machines are rigged to be too weak to grip anything most of the time. So this guy just has a shit ton of time and money.

But how well does that waterpik get pubes out of your teeth?


why is parmesean so fucking high? it neither melts well nor does it stand on its own flavor wise. might as well eat a brick of oily salt at that point.


aw shit, it's weird walking into /r/indieheads members outside of /r/indieheads

i defended the Velvet Underground and Neutral Milk Hotel album covers because my life is small and sad

As the first post I am not allowed to promote any products I have a personal investment in