
The range quoted that you see is EPA range or WLTP range. Generally you have a profile which will predict range based on your driving (depending on the car).

Heater usage is not a killer, a heater would use up 1-2.5kw per hour depending on temperature. So that is like 3-8 miles of range per hour.

What he is saying is its far from “optimal” as claimed. 40 degrees is cold, it isn’t freezing cold but cold.

That said 40 degrees is far from normal during summer in Minnesota:

The range claims are based on standardized tests. Manufacturers have no choice but to quote what the test get. Or they can face penalties. (though they can downrank their results but why would they want to?)

The thing about that is I don’t want a system where if you can’t get enough seats, you can’t form government. Israel went through what? 3 elections last year?

The topic we are talking about is the fuel economy standards. And I’m no fun of the 2 party system either, but it’s virtually impossible to undo it. Even George Washington who was against political parties couldn’t stop it.

I didn’t know we live in N Korea where we aren’t allowed to criticize our president when he is totally wrong. Funny that instead of agreeing or defending his policy you play the whining card.

I don’t remember him ever going after anyone who downgraded his stock price (if that is all they did).

They are correct, those communications do not reflect the company that they are and you shouldn’t judge the entire company based on what a few people in it did.

Shinkansen bullet trains are the safest way to travel. Over 50 years of service without a single death and virtually always on time.

The responsible thing would have been to properly test everything for Q/A before going live. Instead, they outsourced it to 1 company which outsourced it to another which outsourced to multiple others.

I think the biggest issue is that in BOTH cases, the FAA gave Boeing a pass simply because “Boeing said so”. If the FAA did its job, none of this would have happened.

Have you considered that the people who wrote those emails were idiots who did not receive proper training in how to properly use their corporate emails?

I agree, they are idiots...

He is an entitled edgy teen, that is main character material these days.

You know Tesla blind hater, someone also wanted to know my excuse for when Tesla Q3 had a loss. And they sure had a lot of excuses.

Investments where? If bit coins tank to 0, will they revive? Nope. If Tesla stock tanks to 0, will they revive? yes.

Oh, I’m not saying they won’t transition. But how many of those who transitioned dominated the market? Or was it the new entries that did so?

Ah, sure, stock and bitcoin are both based on speculation. The difference is that bitcoins is like monopoly money, it has nothing backing its value. Tesla stock has the company backing its value (even if the current value of the company isn’t equal to the stock its still value). But I don’t think anyone can deny that

What surprise? 1st half started EU deliveries and had large debt repayments and other 1 time costs. Of course you would have known this if you bothered paying attention.