I think it’s a pre-runner look they are after. I could be way off, just throwing it out
I think it’s a pre-runner look they are after. I could be way off, just throwing it out
Part of the plan is to force people into new cars
There was once a magical time when I-35 wasn’t packed. This was also a time when going from Georgetown to Austin meant open land on either side of I-35.
No, that is a helicopter.
Like every other government imposed regulation. This is the big guy (taxi) using the force of the gov to make it harder for upstarts.
Nah keep em under 36 and Uber is fine. This is the usual government bs of picking winner sand losers. 100% this was brought on by the taxi companies.
UPS driver still in play Big Billy G
The slow upshift of a ‘03 Civic auto or CVT anything is way worser than the same car with a clutch. Way worser
Been doing this since I can remember, still do it to this day at 37. My younger sister does it also
You can find one for that price! They are fun cars to play around with
Ahhh I see now, you meant the original 30. I wonder if production dates could hash that out? If they made the 30 7up cars in December of 89 and then a break in production until March or whenever.
You can get a Marti report on foxes now, pretty sure that will tell you whats what. At the least paint and trim
Those are $80k
A nice 1993 Cobra will get $20k all day
Is that the best looking foxbody ever? I think yes
Have you ever heard the old economist joke that goes like this;
This thread is a blessing in the skies
“Now instead of calling me a liar”
The morons working at TSA cannot be counted on to do anything correct outside of groping.