
This could turn into Anthem: A Realm Reborn (shutting down the game and relaunching it at a later date), which saved FFXIV

I don’t know how I missed this and 8's retrospective considering how often I visit the site but nice to see that the retrospectives haven’t been forgotten!

Another great write-up from my favorite 32-bit Final Fantasy. At this rate it looks like you’re halfway complete! (16, 17 and 18 may be released by the time you

This is another amazing write-up, Heather. I love to read your stories and gather some insight into what you do and how it’s done.

I love everything about this review! Your impressions are so thought provoking, I just wish I had a PS4 to play it.

I’ll be waiting for the PC release next year!

Thank you for sticking to sports.

Er.... wrong site.

Good point. I give Ubi a holiday cycle or two before they come back to Steam or maybe Epic in full force

I wish I lived a world free of Bethesda’s launchers

In fact, Ubisoft is doubling down on that, removing their games not just from Steam but from authorized resellers entirely.

So many PC launchers, it seems like the oversaturation is starting to swallow lesser storefronts. There’s of course Steam, Epic has the Fortnite money to keep it going, and Blizzard has its ecosystem, but everything else is falling by the wayside. Ubisoft’s uplay never had a chance, and EA’s origin service seems

At least Hayter has his screenwriting career to fall back on

Every management / building sim I’ve played is the same way. If I build a city or a hospital or a prison, and leave it for a few months, I’m not going back to figure out where I left off. I’m building a new one from scratch.

Yet another example of annualized release schedules royally messing up development schedules.

Canadian... smarties? ...what?

Canadian... smarties? ...what?

TFW nearly every comment gets more stars than your initial hot take...

about a foot and an inch long

The fact that there’s no way to play the pedals with bass and the closed hi-hat is disappointing. 

With online multiplayer, it seems like Joe & Mac 2 would be a perfect fit.

If it’s not appropriate for the comments section, is it appropriate anywhere?

I have yet to use the new Trust system, but I main a WHM, so as you mentioned queues aren’t a thing I’m accustomed to.

Each new glitch is like a new chapter in a book. Gotta get the lowest score!