
Photo of the security guard in question.

I submit the Sitar is the most pretentious instrument.

Pictured: Mexico City Bullpen

Not pretentious

well thank god for that

You can now play your pretentious Theremin online!

This is the correct answer.

Now playing

I’m sorry, but bagpipes will never not be awesome thanks to Bon Scott.

Sorry, the answer is Sting playing a hurdy-gurdy

Yeah, but that’s the BRIDE’S pretentiousness, not the pipers. We’ll show up for a) money b) beer c) combination of the two and d) also whiskey. Even the “famous” pipers all have other jobs and occupations. Everyone knows this shit is a hobby.

Yeah it's the theramin

The lute

Yeah, Sting clinches it for me.

Answer the damn question, Tim.


I love Arcade Fire, and Regine might be their most important member. But come on, man, let go of the hurdy gurdy.

Winter Soldier > Civil War = Age of Ultron.

Counterpoint: The way Scar Jo says “multi-tasking” is super weird.

What a completely subjective exercise.