
I like that you point this out, and in this context. We've seen Palpatine do the same with his multiple apprentices through the Clone Wars, and attempting to do the same with Vader in the new canon comics, and in Return of the Jedi to replace Vader with Luke. In Thrawn's case, the idea of him being sent on a

*Redwing whips Spider-Man out the window*
"You couldn't have done that earlier?"
"I hate you."

Well, his brother was clearly a dick.

Thinking about this more today, about why Morgan didn't *quite* go Clear-crazy. He lost his family as the outbreak started, and this world seemed to have taken from him everything that he loved without rhyme or reason. While unable to end his own life for Reasons, he went mad and was wiping out anyone and anything

You're right, I was thinking 3 years before, but checked Wookipedia and we're about 2 years before Rogue One and ANH at this point (which means we could potentially get some interesting back story episodes about some Rogue One characters over the next 2 seasons).

Am I the only one that thought that maybe she wasn't wearing the ring in the future because something was always going to happen to drive them apart, and Wally just kind of fulfilled that part of the future? I'm probably giving the writers too much credit.

Agreed to both. Eugene has no self-respect or pride to worry about, he's practical — sacrifice that facade to get in with Negan and prevent any harm from coming to himself, and wait. I think there's a possibility the wives trying to get him to make death pills was a test by Negan, or that they would have gotten caught

I think she assumed that because the guy that made the pickles got killed earlier in the season (after Dwight stole his pickles for his sandwich). She didn't know his son stepped in to make pickles.

I initially thought Eugene as well since Negan looked at him — but yeah, it's got to be the other Doc Carson at the Hilltop. Especially since Daryl said last episode he was leaving Kingdom and heading back to the Hilltop. So place your bets now on whether he arrives before or after the Saviors swoop in to kidnap Doc

I assumed as much. She told Ezekiel she was wounded by the Saviors, Morgan probably told at least one person while she was out and said he killed one of them (so if one died, they would have had to wipe out the group to make it out alive), and that info is going to spread (at least among the guards that know about the

To lend some credence to their starstruckness, she did wipe out a group of Saviors on her way (inadvertently) to the Kingdom and survive gunshots — so they all know she's a badass. And, their King has a crush on her, there's definitely that. And Jerry just loves everyone. (and everyone loves Jerry.)

Sorry, you're right of course — what I meant by "tone it down" in my head was all those damn lean-backs. Just stand up straight and deliver.

That shit-eating grin when Rick walked around the pile of trash bleeding out of half of his body though.

To do the spoiler tag, you do < , spoiler, >. Then after the spoiler, < , /spoiler, > (without the commas)

Definitely did. My guess is they book-ended the episode, it was someone from the group at the end, who had tracked them back to Alexandria after they ransacked their boat. No way a single person set up the boat trap.

It's been hinted, if not covered, that she has military training, some mechanical aptitude previously - even before joining up with Abraham. Is interesting that she can't make a bullet, but can disconnect a dynamite triggering system though.

Jesus refused to take over, said he wasn't the leader-type, prefers being able to leave the community at will. Wants to set up Maggie and/or Sasha as the leader because they have bigger balls than Gregory and experience+skill to back it up, but that transition hasn't quite happened yet.

Spoilers —

May knew, so Radcliffe knew. But I do also think there's another LMD out there that Radcliffe was referring to, since he most likely wouldn't have known that he himself was one. So we get a red herring that he's an LMD at the end, so a few episodes from now they can find another.

Excellent explanation! This is how I felt after watching as well. I was hoping for a bit of a Rick-splosion when he found out that Negan had held Judith as well, and for that to be the straw that broke the camel's back — but Aaron being beat senseless for no reason worked as well. He knew where Spencer stood, but