None of these games are worth supporting Amazon.
None of these games are worth supporting Amazon.
to whoever reads this, if you lost money in the cryptocrash:
Pay to win: It’s just like lobbying!
Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.
The NY AG should investigate Elise Stefanik and Tucker Carlson. They are RIGHT THERE. It’s so easy to blame an application when the seeds for the massacre were planted in the killer’s head by his parents and the bloody GOP. And then there’s the gun shop selling to an 18 year old when the minimum age in NY State is 21!
The older I get, the better I get at just saying, “I will not be checking media.” I used to write this long-ass out-of-office message every time I went on vacation. Now I just say, “I’m out, and will respond to your message when I return.” Shit, I even stopped including, “I apologize for any inconvenience this may…
I definitely think being a Jeopardy champion is the big story here, but Amy herself talks about wanting to be an inspiration specifically to other trans women. I still think the distinction that Amy is a trans woman who is competing this well matters, as she is breaking ground as a trans contestant.
I’m obviously not…
And that does nothing for those who get caught in flight delays, or cancelations, as so many thousands did just this weekend.
I’ve been flying domestically 100K++ a year for more than 25 years. I’ve been on various meds for most of them for various things. Not once has the TSA (or random security pre-TSA) ever had the slightest interest in them, no matter how they are stored - these days I use a Su-Sa pillbox, because I am an old. Yes, you…
Maybe I just don’t get it, but I see absolutely zero appeal in playing a tedious game dedicated to my least favorite childhood chore.
I read this as PLAID
What’s incredibly wholesome about this - Ok, not the only thing, but ONE of the things- is that her brain has associated gaming with the joy of family togetherness. She’s like the Dani Rojas of gaming. Gaming is love! Gaming is life!
Thank God her race is mentioned within the first word of the title! I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have that information until I saw her picture..
Or start it by hand/with hand tools. I like to take the socket off the ratchet and just turn that with my fingers until I’m sure the bolt is going in. Of course, if it’s old and a little corroded it can be tough to tell sometimes whether it’s cross-threaded or just gunky.
Personally, as a brown man, if I were dumb/desperate enough to do something like this I’d rather suffer vigilante justice than whatever will happen to me once the cops arrive
It’s usually the p trap close to the drain and the first thing you should try is an inexpensive plastic drain snake that is available at home depot or Walmart for $3-5. This would work with most clogs that are causing a slow draining sink or tub. Id try that first before buying a more expensive snake.
Remove the p trap. Clean the p trap. Reinstall the p trap. If using a plunger, block the overflow.
Just going on looks, I prefer this to the Tacoma.
I know it’s a lot of fun to pick on Nissan, but I think they may have actually gotten this right... maybe. Hopefully.