If no one had a 1980's Toyota truck it might make you feel better to know 0 to 60 took about 15 seconds. I remember it well, lol.
If no one had a 1980's Toyota truck it might make you feel better to know 0 to 60 took about 15 seconds. I remember it well, lol.
This goes beyond maintenance but my worst stuff I have experienced is clutch replacement on cars that have had oil leaks that went on for years and years. The last 2 times I just wore a tyvek suit and faceshield and crawled underneath with a power washer wand and blew all the stuff off as best I could to help make it…
I think the price is a little humorous considering my 2013 Nissan Frontier SV with a V6 that makes about twice the power and has so much more comfort available, with 211K on the odometer is currently valued at 2100 by KBB....
I know it sounds like a crazy idea but doing something near the speed limit and not driving like a cock are my plan for avoiding traffic tickets. Anyone thinking they will downshift and dissapear is living in a fantasy world for the most part...
Sounds like it should launch from Florida....
I want to like this vehicle but maybe I am just old enough to remember the original Hyundai’s and just fearful of reliability issues and still leery of that. My mom has one of these and loves it and my sister has a Santa Fe I think. I know I need something I can still throw a smaller motorcycle in (think naked…
Another case of, it happened in Florida...
Lee’s vs Levi’s (or Guess)... Casio VS Swatch... Polo vs KMart collared “polo” shirts... Nike’s vs Kmart shoes... Intellivision vs Atari.... PC vs Mac... Trapper Keeper vs a normal notebook... There is always something to be bullied about. Always has been and always will be. The best thing you can do with your kids is…
I would keep the 370Z and literally just buy wheels and upgrade the infotainment if it doesn’t have fruitplay...
Close enough for my taste. It’s pointless to argue much more about it but I was not impressed by it is all it really means to most anyone.
I doubt it’s not so much about the distance driven but probably more accrued to charging process and similar issues done by the rental companies and such. I am not sure how a rental car company would go about doing the right processes but given their track record with ICE vehicles I think they are probably going to…
It was a 327 Chevy small block powered 60's land cruiser and I assure you it could do this but you had a little lead in before it would do the spin and you had to basically redline it in second or third gear. It was a built motor so power to do it wasn’t really an issue. It was not as precise a manuever as this I’ll…
This reminds me of a friend that used to have a landcruiser that had been setup for sand drags. It had a 327 swapped into it and he had taken the boggers off and replaced them with TSL swampers that were some weird size, like 33 x 15. He could literally drop it in second and drop the clutch with it revved up a fair…
16,500 for a car that will need a 20K battery replacement... Probably not a smart buy.
My favorite of this part is when semi trucks and commerical viehciles are three lanes or 4 lanes wide going about 1 mph faster than each other to pass. Happens on Interestate 35 all the time. GTFO of the far left lane already. They are not supposed to be there to begin with
Not anything that I do but anyone driving constantly in the far left lane and not passing has a special place in Hades.
It didn’t really need to be a list of slideshow. Anyone could have just said Starfield and done mic drop.
Interstate 35 between San Antonio and Dallas. Under construction in perpetuity. Those who know can relate...