
Looks like Jack from Jack in the Box, except with a slightly different nose and a body that looks more modern. I say it's Jack from the future! :D

@Thomas Henry Routt: Windows became fairly popular in the early 90s, back when technological advances were slow, and Apple started getting foot again a little after the millennium. It shouldn't be too hard for another company to take over someone like Apple now that technological advances happen much more rapidly than

@dcdttu: Argh, I really wanted to come, but I had to go out elsewhere :(

@amcglamry: Unless your room wasn't colder than the other rooms before, I really doubt it's a malfunctioning ventilation system. I know that in some houses, they have an extra intake in certain rooms (like the master), so more hot air is removed. However, this also makes that room colder. I also have a personal

@3 Laws of Robotics: I'm not sure for your specific laptop model, but most of the laptops that I've disassembled don't require an eyeglass screwdriver. In fact, the tip of those screwdrivers bend far too easily for me, making it impossible to remove the tighter screws on the laptops.

Well, Oracle, you could have said something before? Seriously. It's not like Android is new or something...

@jongabriel92: Well, I'm not really saying that it's not going to happen. It just seems odd that Sony doesn't seem to give a crap about piracy by doing this... you know?

@mcflyfarm: report it to Google. Chrome's stuff is independent of Windows, so it probably needs to run as an admin. But, it's worth a shot?

@confusedpublic: Well then, time to get creative and assume what the real iTV name is going to be?

Why can't they just make a James Bond style watch :(

@gre9del: Lol, trust me, I have from time to time :P

Well, for those of you who don't wake up at 5am, you can always wait for 15:14:13 on 12/11/10! :P

@gre9del: lol, my comp sci was mainly with Super Smash Brothers on an N64 emulator :P

I wonder if you could teach them to play Gorrilas.bas now...

Erasable pens have always sucked in my opinion. I mean, they erase at their own will (as in, depending on the roughness/thickness of the paper, how porous it is, etc.)

For number 10, iMacros should be mentioned as well. Sometimes, if the download links aren't all on the same page, and you have to go through a mini-maze to get to the download link for each thing, you can automate it with iMacros and then download using DownloadThemAll! to make the whole process faster!

@xXZEBRAXx: ... and you must be someone who doesn't use their computing devices to the fullest extent of its capabilities. I'm not saying Macs are bad or anything, but seriously, if you want to get something done beyond general word processing, then you need at least Windows. If you're going to go all out, get a Linux

@SublimeGreen: You do realize that oil doesn't disperse immediately throughout every water molecule evenly... It takes a ton of time, all of which is precious for small organisms that will die within that time.

If only someone made a grill out of their extremely hot computer... :P

Darn it, the "Shake Weight" is a multi-purpose tool, isn't it... :P