
WAIT. So she cheated on her first husband with the man who would become her THIRD husband, and her SECOND husband adopted those kids, then she divorced him and married the bio-father?

I never said to spend zero, or even to cut DoD spending at all. But my values do put the health our own country’s citizens pretty high on the list of things to spend money on, and randomly screeching about cost without also exploring the savings for citizens and private businesses (like hospitals!) is simplistic. The

Updated estimates are 1.2 trillion, considerably lower than the earlier 2 trillion+ number from a couple of years ago. Considering DoD spending will be upward of 5 trillion over 10 years, the ACA is bargain.

YEP. Ten years ago, we closed on an NYC condo (outer borough, this was no $1MM+ deal or anywhere close to it) and our costs at closing were a whopping $18K.

In order to hold value on the court, they have to be hypersexualized; because they are hypersexualized, they have lost their value on the court.

Netflix is a year, not 12 weeks, and it's paid. FLMA also only overs employees working for companies with 50 or more employees.

Don’t forget the fabulous pools, and some amazing spas. If you’re going for the massage/spa experience, do something higher-end like Bellagio. Last time I went, I went to Excalibur (where I was staying) and it was the worst massage of my life.

Buying an entire bottle of liquor for the table—it usually will come with a few mixers, so you can do shots or make your own drinks. I’ve never done it myself, but when you think about the markup on beer and wine and mixed drinks generally, it can sometimes make senses if you’re splitting the cost with a few people.

Brunettes don’t count as part of their diversity stats? Shame, there are at least two in the screen capture.

YIKES. My last employer flirted with that and it's a morale killer. Do you know people who work there?

Yep, my birthday is in there too. Last year was the worst holiday season I ever had. I hope you find a new gig at some point, the stress is just not worth it.

I believe it’s the law in NY (but not absolutely positive). But we DON’T get paid out for unused vacation anymore, since we have an unlimited policy—there is no “bank.” As far as rollovers, I know that in California companies are required to allow you to roll over unused vacation, but in NY they do not have to and my

Understood. When I leave my current company I refuse to get back into a situation where Q4 is the end all be all. Ruins my holidays.

Sales? Our end of the year is horrific.

I’m curious to know how this will actually work in practice....because sometimes managers put subtle or not subtle pressure on their employees to NOT take advantage of benefits.

There is a laundromat in my neighborhood that advertises A/C on their awning! The older buildings in my neighborhood don’t have central A/C (hell, in NYC in general it’s not that common) and running those window units can get expensive.


Well. I'm on a sexy adult romance tear, and I've learned that there are oodles of hot, sexy, nice billionaires just ripe for the picking. Who knew?

The writers didn’t get a vote.

What? That’s crazy! I had no idea that was a rule!