Steven Flores

I just saw ROH 2 weeks ago as it finally arrived in my local channel as I liked it despite its production values.

Davey Boy Smith eliminated DiBiase and then Flair comes in and history is made considering that Flair had left WCW/NWA due to creative issues w/ the then-executive of the time who should've stuck to selling pizzas instead of running a wrestling promotion as Flair left and took the NWA/WCW world title belt with him.

YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU! ALL YOU HUMANOIDS! Oh man, Heenan's commentary helped sell that match and it's one of the reasons why it's my favorite Royal Rumble.

Last Monday, it was Justin Gabriel but I heard it's going to be revealed to be… Darren Young. NXT is the one good thing the WWE has right now all thanks to Triple H because it's his baby and he runs the thing. Plus, I heard Vince doesn't watch NXT which goes to show how out of touch he is.

No, Ted DiBiase was #2 that year.

Cena is someone I just can't stand anymore. I hate the fact that he is still the face of the company and anyone who is getting over by themselves is obviously going to be buried by Cena. I really hope they don't have Dean Ambrose near Cena because Ambrose is the most exciting thing right now and having Cena near him

Exactly as I haven't watched WWE Raw in weeks because it got so fucking bad. Once you realize that you're watching a guy in a bunny suit beating up low-card talent. That's a sign that you've fucking lost. Dragon Dragon is one thing only because a guy in a dragon suit is just fucking hilarious but a bunny suit.

Punk was supposed to the guy to represent change and instead, they make him turn heel which didn't work and he's forced to take a backseat to a bunch of aging part-timers. I don't blame him for quitting.

For me, my idea of a beginner's guide to the WWE would be the following:

For me, it was Steve Urkel. That fucking nerd.

Until I break into their bank account and burn it.

I just saw this and thought it was really good. Sure, it's a bit derivative of Gilliam's other films but it has a great performance from Christoph Waltz plus some compelling ideas on faith and existentialism.

When will Shawn Levy stop working? The guy sucks ass.

Nick Tarabay fucking ruled as Ashur. A despicable son-of-a-bitch you love to hate.

For me if I was a wrestler, the Stooges' "I Wanna Be Your Dog". It just has that sense of primal rage that is building up with Ron Asheton's guitars. Then comes Scott's drumming and…. get out of my fucking way.

That was a great henchman and I loved him in Happy Gilmore… "And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot"

I like Matthew Lillard as Hackers was awesome. Seeing him in The Descendants was a surprise as it showed that the guy grew up and can play these roles.

I like his solo work. I wish it got more attention as it has him just wanting to do things his way and not really remind people of Zeppelin. Plus, I like the fact that it gives his voice a lot more to do. Led Zeppelin is its own entity and the guy should be applauded for his solo work.

I tried to get my parents to watch a few great movies like Days of Heaven and American Splendor. They couldn't finish the former because my dad talked too much while they didn't get the latter.

Sadly, I never saw Big Star live though I heard about this performance of the album by other artists but I've never seen it.