Steven Flores

Third/Sister Lovers in its Rykodisc edition is my favorite Big Star album. It's a mess of an album but truly one of the finest albums ever whether it's in ballads, power-pop tunes, and everything else. It's crazy but oh so beautiful. Those 3 Big Star albums are a must-have as is the 19 Years solo compilation.

This guy is a moron. Then again, he's from a punk-pop band that I've never heard of nor wanna know or hear about.

Easily one of the greatest actors working today. The guy can play anything. Why he wasn't cast for Cloud Atlas? He could do the entire fucking movie.

I love this album though Fun House was the better album. Of the mixes, I prefer Bowie's mix.

My favorite WKW film and certainly the best film of that year.

Do you have a better idea?

Let's just send him to Palestine so they can kill him. What a fucking shithead.

The Dirk Diggler version is great…. complete w/ John C. Reilly doing the Running Man and dancing his ass off!

I miss that drink.

That was a great episode. I think Sheen and Caplan were at their best as it's clear that they seem to enjoy acting together. The scene where Bill shows Virginia how to box was great.

Sublime was one of those bands that got overplayed to death. I liked it at first but the years of hearing it on the radio, movies, and TV just made me want to puke. I'm not a very social person but yes, there are assholes who think Sublime is the greatest thing ever. My sister had that CD but she then found emo and

Silverchair sucked. I remember me and my friends in middle & high school hating that band because they were ripping off Pearl Jam and felt they were absolute posers. They got worse when the singer decides to not sing like Eddie Vedder and sing about aneorexia or something.

You're right. They are though some of it didn't feature guitars early on but it became more industrial metal as it progressed. Yet, the stuff Ministry's done now is fucking crap.

While I am a hardcore NIN fan as Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, and The Downward Spiral are essentials to industrial. I wouldn't really start with NIN since they're more industrial-rock. Anything Ministry did from The Land of Rape & Honey to Psalm 69 is a must-have as well as Throbbing Gristle's The Second Annual

OH MY GOD! DON'T YOU GET IT! HE'S DEFECTING!!!! I love Moscow on the Hudson. Paul Mazursky will totally be missed.

The Rock and Bad Boys are the only films of his that I like. Transformers was somewhat decent at times but still fucking bad. I would also add reality TV like the Kartrashians to that list of personal hell.

Stephen Daldry, the Oscar-bait version of Michael Bay.

A never-ending marathon of bad films by Michael Bay (from Armageddon to present) as well as the recent films of Adam Sandler to the tune of Crud, Nickelturd, 3 Dull Dudes, Linkin Park, Justin Bieber, and the music of Glee in an endless loop. That's my idea of personal hell.

Did they do any Billy Joel covers or just got everyone shitfaced through their awesomeness?

Motherfuckin' Mastodon!!!!!