Steven Flores

Mr. Skin's Best Breasts of 2014… for now.

One of these days, Armond will heckle the wrong filmmaker who will not voice back but also own him to the point that Armond will have no choice but to grovel. And then Armond will get his ass kicked.

I love this movie. Very underrated film. Steve Martin at his best. "Orugula… it's a veg-get-table". "You guys see a problem, I see potential".

To finish these following trilogies: Bergman's Faith Trilogy, Fassbinder's BRD Trilogy, Pasolini's Trilogy of Life, Reggio's Qatsi Trilogy, and Rossellini's War Trilogy.

No, that was someone else.

I'll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbows!

I still want to see this. I love the Stone Roses. It's a shame they didn't make a big impact in the States. I would love to see them w/ that classic line-up.

OH!!!!! That is sex on guitar.

I've always like this film. It's so funny and showcases Arnold as one of the best actors of that time. I love some of the one-liners he says like "hey, Christmas tree". It appealed to my parents who didn't speak very good English either yet were able to connect w/ someone like Arnold.

I'm team Johanna as well. That's because Jena Malone is… THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!

I was taken at back when I realized that the guy playing Kenny's son was Alexander Skarsgard. At first, I wasn't sure who it was until I got a close-up and I was like… "the fuck…". Still, it's a damn good episode. I wish we got an appearance from Kenny's parents.

After a series of very bad episodes, this episode is giving me the show that I love. I can't wait for the sequel.

I guess they realized that their sister Elizabeth is the one with the acting talents and decided not to bother since she's going to be The Avengers 2.

The only highlight for me was Van Halen. Other than that, it wasn't very good as I was hoping for Kyle to beat the shit out of Cartman. Instead, another dud. I'm really unhappy w/ this season of the show.

The moment Kenny destroyed Guy like that was awesome. Especially since Guy is a total asshole and Kenny dethroned him. Yet, he still ruined himself over what he did to April. I'm loving this season right now and I'm sad that there's only 2 episodes left.

This episode was OK but it seems like the show is starting to show that it's running out of ideas.

Oh great, another sequel w/ Gerard Buttwad.

All I can say is… HELL YEAH!!!! Those little shits got what was coming to them thanks to South Park and I think the reality is that Mickey Mouse realizes they're not the cash cows they once were due to low ticket sales and public indifference.

Anyone who prefers Sammy over Dave doesn't know shit about rock at all and has very poor taste. Plus, they probably couldn't back up why they like Sammy over Dave.

I was 13-14 years old when that song came out and even I knew that it sucked. I never understood why Collective Soul were so big. I thought they were terrible for the most part. And the worst part is that they were from Georgia which played the shit out of that in the rock stations back then and whatever friends I