Steven Flores

Wow, so it's come to this for Katherine Heigl. Let's see, Katherine Heigl derp de derp is a derpity-derp-de-derp and derpy-derpy-derp-de-derp. The she derp-de-derp-derpity-derp and derpity-derp-de-derp. Also starring derp, derptiy, derp-de, and derp-de-derp and directed by derpity-derpity-derp-derp-derp.

I agree. I would say the same thing while I would also put Live at Leeds and A Quick One in that list.

But he was right about Mick Hucknall, he is a ginger.

Shaun Ryder, the Greatest Poet since Yeats. God has confirmed that.

The one of many songs by this godawful band that I can't stand. It's got some stupid lyrics and a dumb video. All of a sudden, my young sister's old Barney video in which a kid sang about wanting to be a rock star suddenly became cool in comparison to that dreck made by Nickelturd.

"I wonder if your songs will still be shit if I'm 64"

Same here!!!

Who was that girl Jessie?  She was fine.  I didn't need to see that guy's junk though.  Still, that was funny.  Stevie is my boy!

"Oh man, I lost my touch man".  I love that guy.  Kumar is the shit!  I also loved him in "The Terminal" where I think he sort of steals the film from nearly everybody including Tom Hanks.

Oh boo!!!!  I like watching some of that stuff like "Sin City Diaries" and "Hotel Erotica".  It's good softcore though some of the new softcore movies they show kinda suck since there's too many fake boobies and such.  I liked the older shows like "Hot Line" and the Showtime stuff like "Love Street", "Compromising

This was on TV today.  Paris is my favorite character.  I felt sorry for her when she got rejected by Harvard.  The funniest part of her breakdown as she said that Rory is still a virgin on TV while Richard falls asleep during the whole thing.

I agree.  I thought it was terrible.  I didn't laugh at anything except Zimmerman's execution.  Cartman's schtick is just getting worse.

I would sell my soul to see that Spinal Tap show where Derek St. Small got stuck in the pod.

Wow, he can recite sonnets, rap Will Smith's "Miami", he's funny, and he's very good looking.  He's in my top 3 man crushes with Michael Fassbender and Alexander Skarsgard.  Yeah, I'd go gay for those guys.

W/ the exception of the Savages album.  This is my favorite debut album of the year.

YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!  And maybe the other lame performers who probably sang the National Anthem or Ryan Seacrest. 

I would totally be down to have GWAR at the Super Bowl Halftime Show.  Those guys put on a show.  The insanity that's going to happen.  People will be freaked out and maybe will be eaten by that monster.  If it happens, I'm fucking there!

Nope.  The world needs more GWAR.

Wow, that's a lot of fucks.  For me, I think it would be Don Ameche in "Trading Places" where he and his brother loses everything as his brother falls because of a heart attack.  And one of the men who told him he's losing everything, "Mortimer, I think you're brother needs help" and Ameche replies "FUCK HIM!  Turn