Steven Flores

Right now, it's my favorite album at the moment though there's a few other records right now like MBV, QOSTA, Bowie, Daft Punk, and Savages that are much better in the year so far.

I've been doing a Woody Allen retrospective of sorts for the entire summer as I have three more films (including "Blue Jasmine) to see as I think this is one of his best films.  It's very original but also quite funny for the way it presents a man's life through all of these newsreels and such.

Yeah, that's the one. 

This guy is funny.  Yet, there's a lesson to all of this.  Never go out with Taylor Swift unless you have a lawyer present in the hopes that you get a cut of the profits from whatever new single she makes about you.

Excellent write-up as usual.  "20th Century Boy" is my favorite T-Rex/Marc Bolan song.  It's just oozes sex.  It's rocking and swinging.  

The Bay of Pigs Invasion happened in April of 1961.  It's likely that whatever invasion that's going to happen in the next episode won't be very good.  Not to mention that Castro would sever ties with the U.S. in the course of the next two years leading to the Bay of Pigs Invasion.  So Ike's plans to run Sy's hotels

"To Bring You My Love" is my favorite album of hers while I love "Rid of Me", "Uh Huh Her", and "White Chalk" which I think are some of the best albums ever made.  Her stuff with John Parish is also worth checking out.

"Wow, so DJs used to hold cunnilingus races with the ladies, huh?
And here I thought it was Ron Burgundy who brought classiness to

Oh great, now I got that fucking song stuck in my head.  I hated that band and Stephen Jenkins is such a fucking dick.

For me, it comes down to 2 songs… David Bowie's cover of Jacques Brel's "My Death" and the Cure's "Funeral Party".  Just great pieces of music that captures the idea of death.

I've got this record last month.  Definitely their most consistent and entertaining record since "XTRMNTR".

'Nsync was still better.  They had the funk.

"Kalopsia" is my favorite track as the entire album is just all balls out.  This record along with the new Primal Scream and Suede are definitely my favorite rock albums.  Rock is finally coming back.