The Voices Made Me

Okay but “Ant Antstead” sounds like a made up name for a character on a budget cartoon show about insects.


The youth market is all she knows so she feels that she needs to keep her brand dialed into that demographic. Let’s be honest here, her fans from when she was in No Doubt are aged and aren’t coming to her concerts like she needs them to be.

“because she dressed counterculture and sang in a rock band, everyone just wedged her into this punk box and assumed she was socially aware and politically astute and smart and cool, as many counterculture people are.”

As a Gen X-er who has grown increasingly disappointed at how many of his old goth friends have gone

Or that you are only angry because you must be having your period, because there are no good reasons for a woman to be angry except hormones.

I’m Asian and this immediately brings to mind a look that is apparently called the Beijing Bikini in China - old dudes with their undershirts rolled up to let their stomachs air out. Who knew they were trendsetters!

He looks like the dude I bought weed from in 2004.

Dammit Mickey.

Here is where we must pause to note that we are being forced to contemplate Boris Johnson’s sex life with a woman who was not his wife, and yet was actively and willingly interested in spending time with him in a copulatory fashion

To be fair, Republicans have always wanted to scrutinize young girls genitals. Now they just want a legal reason to do it.

I never understood why they all considered Carrie their best friend. She was a bad friend to all of them.

Paris Hilton’s disappearance into irrelevance makes me happy and gives me hope that the Kardashians will eventually disappear into irrelevance as well. Paris needs to stay gone. She doesn’t need to come back like Michael Myers.

Darth Icky