
So what are the chances they release the game and all the content on a single disc? You know, for those of us who don’t want to spend a thousand dollars on toys to play a game?

Is it just me, or does Batou look like Kiefer Sutherland from Lost Boys

If they are going to do anything from the 80s, why not do a proper Red Dawn game?

Thanks for the reply! I really appreciate the suggestion.

Is there a site/game that emulates the D&D experience like this, but is single player? I love the paper D&D (and believe I would really enjoy the digital version), but for various reasons it is really difficult to play a game with others, especially online. A single player experience would be awesome.

Hopefully one day they will release all the game content on a disc for those of us who don’t want to spend a thousand dollars on toys to play the game.

The longer this campaign goes on the more I’m convinced this is the biggest practical joke ever played in the history of the world.

So instead of getting actual gameplay content, most of the DLC is crap like this.

Actually I would like to see all of it, preferably edited together. It’s one of the few times in pop culture history that we have a partially complete document of what is essentially an alternate reality. Imagine if they filmed half of Star Wars with Kurt Russell as Han Solo. Regardless if it was good or not, we would

Actually I would like to see all of it, preferably edited together. It’s one of the few times in pop culture history

It would be nice if they would cut together and release the footage from when Eric Stoltz was Marty.

It would be nice if they would cut together and release the footage from when Eric Stoltz was Marty.

Well it’s a Lego game, so I’m guessing there are limited ways you can off a character.

Great, can you make him jump into a bottomless pit for making such a terrible movie?

How about fair income streams to all creators, not just high profile music artists? Between my two channels (one live music, one video game) I have 25,000 views, over 100,000 minutes of view time, and roughly $20 in ad revenue. Or in other words, 80 cents of revenue for every thousand views.

Gonna be awesome to get the Hasselhoff nose job done as a girl.

An hour long game? That sounds like a demo.

One thing we know is that the 12 people who have a Wii U are really excited.

And if you want to play everything shown, all you need is about a thousand dollars...

Given how poorly the film has done at the box office, I think more people have seen this video than they have the actual movie.