The Venerable Bede

I was looking her up yesterday and saw that she once worked at The Flea Theatre in NYC, and I got super excited because I have a friend who was an actress there (and we're all the same age) and I thought maaaaybe they knew each other, but they're not friends on Facebook. Damn it, I could've been two degrees of

I don't disagree with any of the points you made about it, and honestly, there's not really an intellectual reason why I love the trope. I just always gasp and get warm fuzzies when it happens. It's a completely emotional thing.

I thought this comment was going to go in a positive place, like, "Are we surprised an actress got work done, if they can afford it, since it's a perfectly normal and okay thing to do and actresses are free to do whatever they want?" And then I kept reading.

I agree about the "all a big misunderstanding" trope, and I was hoping the same thing, that it really was cocaine.

This comment is gold and I thank you for it.

Wasn't there a reference to her being with someone else while studying abroad, too? I feel like I remember that being brought up at some point.

Does she remember you a little bit, enough that you could gain access to her private Instagram if you tried? If not, do you know of anyone that she remembers better whom you could illegally impersonate on Instagram so you could gain access to her private Instagram?

Sweet, I'll be somewhere with cable that night, so I can watch live!

I had the exact same question. I scoured Season 1 episodes to find that scene because I was so curious, but as someone mentioned below, it was "Misty from shipping" (and this woman's name is Tanya).

Can we talk about Valencia? I loved her in this episode. "I'm not stupid, you just make really obscure references."

I loved the callback to "That's what I love about you" "You love me?" "Love ABOUT you…"

God, I love hypocritical Rebecca. "Okay, we need to have a conversation about consent…"

I think it was "sufficient," which is just that much more perfect

"Do firemen just not come to this house?"

Oh my god, that never occurred to me before, but it's somehow perfect. I ship it!

I guess having to pay $5 to Heather and/or Valencia every time she says Josh's name has really helped her kick the habit

THAT'S who he reminds me of, oh my god, THANK YOU

Ha, yes, I just commented above about that, I should've kept scrolling

Wrong, see: Trapped in the Drive-Thru by Weird Al