
Timberlake is a garbage human. He cheated on Britney with Nicole Appleton (All Saints) but used his music and the media to portray Britney as the bad one. He felt the need to repeatedly use their relationship to promote himself, he would often reveal private details that no one else needed to know, something that

Heart goes out to her, she has lived 400 lifetimes

When I was 19 and trying to make some money for college, I worked part-time as a personal assistant for an interior designer whose office was located in an old Victorian style house in the downtown district of my hometown.

Do you not know what profits are, business understander

Summer ‘97. I was nine and scared of my own shadow, so this experience only furthered my fear of the world.

It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving about 10 years ago. My spouse was still at work, and our two young daughters were off with my mom, who had picked them up after school. I walked into the kitchen after our dog greeted me at the door.

When I was in 3rd grade (about a billion years ago), I went to this little Catholic school in a very blue collar neighborhood. It wasn’t the best area, but it wasn’t the worst, either—narrow streets with dense rows of duplexes, tiny strips of lawn, and a bar on every corner (seriously). Our house was only five blocks

At the beginning of our relationship my fiancé bought a house. I didn’t get any bad vibes, even though it was built in the 50s. Except on the initial drive to the small, strip mall sized town. The kind that don’t like strangers. Mhmm.

Let me just preface this by saying I’m not a writer so please bear with me…

As an anxious child, I’d wake up several times overnight to use the bathroom. This happened so often and for so long that my parents forbid me from turning on the lights because it would wake them up. 

So, I lost my best friend Pete. He was my grade level partner at the school where we taught, my professional and personal sounding board. Pete knew how to reveal my insecurities as paper tigers (when he wasn’t inciting them) and gently mock me until I relinquished my bad moods. We recited poems, debated about cynical

When I was 6 (1981 California), I had an experience with a Raggedy Andy doll. It was terrifying. In my teens during spooky story time at hangouts I would tell the story. The part of my experience that led 6 year old me to finally scream became the jump scare part in my retelling. I would jump up to a person near me,

Hunter or Hunted?

Aunt Mary Doesn’t Believe!

Trigger warning - Therapy

After my divorce, I spent 4+ years looking for a home to buy for my son and I. I had a very hectic government job and my son had a rare genetic disorder that caused a myriad of health issues. I had hired a private caregiver for him who spent 12+ hours caring for him each weekday. Life was very busy.

Memories are strange things. The dictionary defines them as: the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences; A mental impression retained; a recollection: one’s earliest memories. The emphasis on “one’s earliest memories”

The gossip-y narrative about Grimes was that her first son with him was a child he more or less intended to raise himself; I don’t want to look it up again but she gave an interview where she basically stated that her son was for Elon to “train” and she had the daughter.


My ex husband owned a house when I met him. It had been abandoned when he bought it, left unlocked even, although a squatter lived in a bungalow in the backyard not the main house.