Guys who have never had to mop up vaginal fluid after sex are doing it wrong.
Guys who have never had to mop up vaginal fluid after sex are doing it wrong.
Saw this, thought of youuuuu:
I fully agree - the first meeting should not just an intake where you give your life story, it’s for you to ask questions about how THEY approach their work, kinda like you are interviewing them.
You mentioned upthread you are in therapy. That implies to me that you are actively dealing with your trauma, which is something rare in men I have dated, and I want you to know that if you are going to make a $5000 investment in yourself and your ability to be a good partner to women, consider spending $5000 on some…
Figuratively, PTSD is past traumas stored in the body, unconscious, somatic... My hope for every man is that they will identify and articulate what their core traumas are, because it’s so much easier for men to NOT process their traumas than it is for them to feel their vulnerable feels. It’s so much healthier to cry…
Well speaking as a woman and a (white-passing) person of colour they routinely inspire me about the future of progressive, people-centred politics and remind me that I have personal power, a voice, and value beyond long hair and a smile.
Dude, first off: movie budgets include money earmarked for promotion, usually between 10-35% of the overall budget. Production company net profits are gross revenue minus all expenses, including production and development and staff. I know because it is my industry.
I agree with you, but with a minor adjustment: Forgiveness is something possible to give when an actual amends has been made. Amends are ACTIONS - apologies are too often just “thoughts and prayers” level nothingness.
This is a very important question.
Dude, I read it as if it was a priest commenting on priests. It scans as the patriarchy saying the quiet part loud about themselves:
I was advised by a friend who went through the court system - took 5 YEARS - that I should not report my assault, because the experience of reporting and the protracted nature of the court was far, far worse than the night he pushed his way into her apartment.
This is a real thing.
I have a theory, and it’s going to sound crazy.
The fixation you have on arguing that a hugely valuable corporation, the one that owns Star Wars for fuck sake, should focus on protecting their future profitability over the actual people who make it profitable, is gross.
Hey WizardKnight... I am referring to NET PROFITS, not the overall “worth” of the Disney Corp, or its “cash on hand”. You seem to have misunderstood, so I shall explain: Net profits are gross profits, minus the cost of operating the business, which consists of operating parks, retail locations, and production on…
Yeah, so... this statement is incorrect. “No corporation” could afford 6 billion dollars to cover (say) a years’ worth of paid leave for their staff BEFORE deciding to lay them off without income or health insurance in a time of crisis?
No seriously: if you can watch the first season of Australian Survivor without being spoiled, DO IT.
Dolomite? Come now... We have to make sure that the costume design in The Irishman gets the highlight it deserves.
I am trying to wrap my head around what a massive intravenous meth injection and/or symptoms of meth toxicity looks like (a... manic episode?), and why someone might derive pleasure from watching someone go through it.