
H2OH MY GOSH! Here's a smaller than average lake!

I wish Oliver Queen was there during the Ferguson riots… I mean…what in the actual fuck was that?

Season 1 was great, and a success, then that success evolved into a culture that no one wanted to stand up to Nic Pizzolatto and his Season 2 story and tell him "Hey, this really doesn't work." I'm for letting genius roam, but they really needed to rein him in a little bit. Oh well.

I just like that they have just dead metas in the morgue just…Chillin…haha

They also turned a guy evil by promising him to be part of Firestorm, and when he got pissed off and went evil…what was the line they used? Oh yes "Let's lock him up in the pipeline until he keeps his fucking mouth shut" or something like that.

I said this in season 1 when they first introduced Time Travel. I said the writers needed to set certain rules about time travel and follow them, but instead they just pretty much do whatever they want. Psh, Undo everything in season 1? No problem! Time Remnants? Yeah! Doesn't make sense but here! Have a truck load of

Remember when Zoom showed him how to do it…for no reason… at the start of the episode?

Season 7: "Universe Warp to the Marvel Universe and Save Tony Stark's Mom!"

YES!! THIS!!!!! Barry was slaying earth 2 metas all over the place! And suddenly it's wrong to kill Zoom? I mean, wtf!

Time Remnants, Time Remnants, FUCKING TIME REMNANTS! KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF! It's a terrible terrible plot device. Like, it's so fucking dumb, and no one can actually explain what it is, not even Barry when straight up asked what that was couldn't explain it. Ugh. Also, team flash's plan was to send Zoom back to Earth 2

Well, Littlefinger has his fingers in all the pots, his ears at all the doors, he had to have known that Ramsay tortured and cut off Theon's cock. I mean, everyone else knew.

Jess is the worst character on the show. Reagan is infinitely interesting because she's different than Jess, she's new, and her story is unexplored. Also, Nick and Jess don't work. They tried it, it failed. No reason to go back to it.

I love the DC tradition of putting people in bad bad wigs. Today's winner, Martin Stein's Wife.

I hope someone puts together a Montage of Shocked and Confused Philip.

I got 1 min in and killed myself. Now writing this as a ghost.

Wait…a Film based on a Phone App is terrible? This can't be true. I hope Candy Crush the Musical gets it right.

That isn't earth prime, hell, it's not even the prime time line. It's like Timeline Q.

So….Zoom can just go into whatever universe he wants at anytime huh? Show makes less sense every week.

Yeah….I was wondering the same thing.