
Boy, i couldn't disagree more with the order of this list. Mad Men is way way too high on this list, Rick and Morty way to low. And The Americans is a really good show, but this last season was kinda meh.

So glad that zero of these films touch my sweet sweet eyes

Why even have a countdown? Rick and Morty number 1!

Great episode, great season. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I like how Tandy is a complete tool even when he's trying to reverse how he acts. It's all or nothing with that dude and I enjoy it. Phil 2.0 death will probably rock the group. He is by far the strongest of the group, mentally and physically and the fact that he

Bittersweet, so happy that they gave us such a great season, super bummed that it's now over. Also, Foxygen for the win.

I assume so. Well, gosh, I hope so. Then what would be the point in even mentioning it at all and the Doctor's line about not wanting to know right now?

Loved this season, and I'm glad they are saving the War Minister for the future.

"I can't wait to eat that Monkey"
"Pray for Mojo!"

For some reason I thought this was the season finale. I was mentally and emotionally prepared for it and was ok with how it ended….then I find out there is still one more episode? Well fuck me. I dunno how i'll be able to regroup.

Wells Lives Matter

Score- A
Easily one of my favorite episodes ever. Amazing.

Tree Life was a pretentious nonsensical mess of a film that is disguised as "Art" and propped up by Pretentious Hipster Douchebags.

Geeze. All the hype for this show and it's kinda awful and boring. I decided to give it a whole season like I did the Leftovers. The Leftovers rewarded my patience, this show made me waste 10 hours of my life. Fuck this show.

hahaha! Dammit! You're right!

There were a few cringe worthy moments in this episode. "I'M MR. WEED" was definitely one of them. I'm so hoping for Edgar to end up happy. Like, the war, the PTSD, the Heroin, the being taken advantage of by every person in his life, I really want to have a happy ending for him.

An Ok Episode. My gripe is Osgood. I dunno what it is about her, but ever since she was first introduced I've had total disdain for her. Less Osgood Please. I know I'm in the minority on this.

Justin Kirk is great. He needs to be in more things (that's not Animal Practice)

lol. I did the same thing, saw the A rating….watched it at work…Lol.

No, I think i just got spoiled by Agents of Shield. They eventually improved over timer

Oh, I also have an issue with "We will keep her in the pipeline and use her to draw out Zoom Plan." Yeah, the guy who has sent countless metas to die is suddenly going to care.. Also, how come no one is exploring the ethical issues that seem to surround team Flash this season. Barry has killed multiple people, they