
B? I personally thought this one of the better episodes of the season. Lindsay's pronunciation of the Koch brothers calling them the "Cotch Brothers" made me snort.

Because These are the moments!

I was so disappointed by this episode. Like, Eddie kills himself and somehow it deletes RF but everything else remains the same? But lets not address, let's kill off Ronnie and have a video exonerate Barry's dad so he can leave the next day…..? Great story write.

And True Blood, and pretty much everything he's ever been in.

They should rename this episode the TGIF Reunion Special

I actually yelled "BIRDPERSON NOOOOO" at the very same time Rick did. His death hit me hard.

I like the Sunglasses, but stop taking time to defend the glasses and work on your story telling.

Nope. It just never appealed to me, also, when the first book came out I hitched my literary wagon to Anamorphs instead. No regrets!

Harry Potter. I don't get it. Like, I've tried to get into it, my girlfriend told me those books changed her life and cried when she told me this. So I really tried, But I just can't get into it.

Thanks for the insight on the outro song. Didn't have to use

As much as I have liked this show over the years, I've always hated Taco, and in this episode he was unbearable.

Also needed more Nanny from Muppet Babies.

i thought it was ok. I mean, Imagine Dragons kinda took me out of it since they suck all kinds of balls, but there were a few moments where i chuckled.

I applaud Adrien Grenier! People shouldn't be afraid to say the truth, even if it's extremely awful. What we've done, what we continue to do, and what we've created in the name of 9/11 should be talked about and not swept under the rug.


The President?

I always felt this show was kind of a companion piece to Doctor Who, and the episodes of DW i hate the most are the ones that have the earth in jeopardy, so this was very similar to that. I don't mean I hated it (Water-T saved it for me) but I think it deserved the grade it got.

His character is weird to me. At first I thought he was a guy who had a backup of a backup and was levels above everyone else, now he seems like a bungler, an unhinged dude who can't handle failure and doesn't plan for it. I liked that I'm wrong about this guy.

I may have to rewatch this one, for some reason it didn't grab me like the other episodes and in my head it's the worst episode of the season. But I will admit I was a tad bit distracted while watching it, so i'm going to give it another go.

I support you FAT JEWISH!