The VanGounder Years

It’s all about the education, really. Studies have shown that there’s nothing better for learning than going on a long flight across the ocean, shifting your body seven time zones, studying tons of football film and doing a ton of drills, maybe getting concussed, and then flying back and shifting all of those time

It was horrible under the Grahams too. Donald Graham loved Fred Hiatt, who turned the opinion and editorial page side into godawful cheerleaders for the Neocons. Richard Cohen, George Will and Charles Krauthammer are holdovers from the Graham years and they’re miserable hacks. Donald Graham was the classic example of

I wouldn’t be surprised if the real driving force behind the piece is the reporters who had their work spiked by Baquet. I’m guessing that standard operating procedure is to suck it up and move on, but hopefully this is a sign that at least some reporters don’t think business as usual is going to work anymore.

AB — did you happen to read the piece on Sunday by the Public Editor of the NY Times, Liz Spayd?

He was sitting right there in Breslin Arena when he found out.

Why would he live in FedEx Field? There’s nothing wrong with sleeping on the bus you drive. Can’t idle the engine of course, because the parking lot bulls will find you and work you over with their brass knuckles, but there’s lot of residual heat if you nestle close to a vent, you can collect almost-empty Gatorade

I look forward to how many people pronounce LI as “Lie” instead of “Fifty One.”

People who have strong progressive representation in Congress can still do valuable things.

Also don’t forget that Stan Van Gundy was the first NBA coach to bash Trump after election day: