The Vagina Squad

Us smaller folk don't have a right to be offended? Last time I checked, I'm fully real. I have very little in the boob and ass departments. There's not all that much to grab on to. Bones can be felt. E-cards constantly tell me that's unattractive. Add to this that I'm covered with stretch marks from babies...can get a

it doesnt matter where its coming from, if you are attacking someone based on their body, you are in the wrong. if you cannot serperate an individual who is skinny and the mass media, that is your issue. if attacking or insulting another group of women makes you feel better about yourself, you have issues and need

It's like that god awful "all about that bass" song. Like, do you not think I was picked on all the time for being stick thin? Thanks for calling me a "skinny bitch" on your radio hit.

Especially when they say that small people shouldn't have the right to complain because thin is considered a positive thing. Well, not when you say that a size 00 waist measure is the same as a child's. No grown woman wants to be compared to a child.

This subject always brings up heated debate from both sides and I feel like I have a weird perspective having oddly been on two ends of the somewhat extreme weight spectrum. (But let's be clear here, I am only 5 foot so I would never qualify for model status no matter what.) When I was in my 20's I put on what was a

Team Fortress 2 is the perfect example of what a freemium game should be, if it's not TF2 quality, forget about it.

Oh come on, that's not fair now... there are plenty of decent kind sensitive good men. Don't give the MRAs more "notallmen!" fodder!

This is why I hate using the word 'trigger' to describe what happens when I suffer a PTSD incident.

Most people eat completely processed crap from a box anyways. I'm not talking about what people in NYC or LA or Miami eat, I'm talking about most Americans. The ones that account for obesity being an epidemic and heart disease being the leading cause of death.

My son took guitar lessons, and the book was originally called Guitar Lessons Can Be Murder. Then, everyone told me that guitars aren't scary at all. So I changed it to a piano.

Salem Witch Trials were actually a women-on-women event, so that one can't be blamed on patriarchy. Ultimately, what got that one stopped was the patriarchal government noticed a lot of women were up and dying, realized men were in danger of having to actually learn how to work a kitchen themselves, and stepped in to

Why is everyone acting as if this punishment is physically harmful or THAT emotionally traumatizing that she'll never recover?

Maybe not you as much but this is completely ridiculous

Something about this costume goes against the Geneva Convention, because being forced to wear that egregious monstrosity has to count as torture somehow...

I believe that if you go back and read what I wrote again, you'll find you've read in the tone of superiority. Nowhere in there did I say anything about how much "better" I am than the others: only that (a) I exercise, they don't; (b) they have these health problems, I don't. The same is mirrored in the stats. In

Look Jez, I understand that being body positive is a great and important thing. But if this site REALLY CARED about women's wellbeing, it wouldn't be feeding us this crap. Obesity has serious health complications, and obesity when pregnant is no exception. As the US doesn't seem to bother with education or prenatal

You will be utterly crucified at Jezebel for suggesting that exercise is a positive activity. A box of wine for one at brunch, sure, but god forbid you go to a fucking spin class.

Okay. I saw LD for the first time ever a couple of nights ago, and, yep, nope, not seeing what the fuss is. She's like every fucked-up MFA girl ever. Only she's not a girl, she appears to be a grown woman, which means the shtick is a little long in the tooth, and that she just seems kind of nuts and awful. I don't

Just going to cut through all the crap and state for the record, that mocking this lady isn't about loving animals or not loving animals or whatever; that's just a distraction and this video could be about anything at all. Doesn't matter if it's chicken welfare, bike commuting, natural medicine, abortion, whatever.

I'll answer the questions I know you all have.

You can enjoy it. It's your life. Just know that squeamish people might be grossed out and not want to look at you. That's the way it goes. I'm sure some people don't want to look at my face, either.