The fact that Fiorina refugees to say vagina is not nearly as bad as her belief that all vaginas and uteruses are the property of the government.
The fact that Fiorina refugees to say vagina is not nearly as bad as her belief that all vaginas and uteruses are the property of the government.
If you are too afraid of even uttering the word “vagina” then you have no business leading a nation.
Ways Hillary is like my Oma: I love her, but I’d rather have Bernie in the White House.
Ways Hillary is like my grandma: ...
RIP!!! Bonus flick of my tía showin off her green card
Soon-to-be two-time grandma MVP and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has posted a list to her campaign site…
It is nothing like the black friend defense.
I don’t think that’s fair. I also thought the scene was brilliantly directed. I liked not watching Sansa be brutilized and I liked that Theon was a witness to it because it was all his fucking fault. There’s one thing for Theon to be tortured and him inwardly thinking he deserved it because he was a traitorous SOB but…
Can you be both rapist and raped in the same act? The actions he took were under threat of torture, I don’t think anyone can claim that he was a willing participant, so he was simply raped just as Jeyne was.
The real problem isn’t trans kids. It’s hipster, artisan restaurants that have to be oh so clever with their bathroom signage. Is that a rooster or a hen?! Is that a male or female chandelier?! I don’t know!
Cumia is also very vocal about gun rights and the fact that he owns a number of guns. I’ll be very curious to see if he has to give up his stash if he is convicted on any of these charges.
Golightly shares some of Cumia’s nasty sense of humor, making jokes on Twitter about Muslims, “transsexuals,” and, a few days ago, a crack about domestic violence
Strangulation is a class D violent felony offense, punishable by up to seven years in prison
He’s a sad, pathetic Howard Stern wannabe. Tried to emulate and copy him for so many years, but his lack of talent only got him so far. He must be so angry and frustrated. Say what you want about Stern’s radio show, but its lasted over 35 years and not once has he been arrested for anything, let alone physical…
Ezra, Asher, Atticus, Declan, Oliver, Silas, Milo, Jude, Henry, Jasper.
She’s not saying that people can’t criticize her though or express their opinion if they find something she writes tasteless, just that she isn’t going to apologize for or explain her jokes. Satirical humor and commentary is really hard. Sometimes it works really well, and sometimes a joke doesn’t quite hit the mark.…
I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would…