Sanders/Kasich 2525

Female nerd gives none fucks about Star War, so male nerd must choose between fuck and Star War. Male nerd has never given a fuck about fuck before, but has given many fuck about Star War, so male nerd choosing fuck over Star War shows big growth. In his pants.

Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War

^ exactly. you can be a victim and a piece of shit all at one time, people tend to forget.

Exactly. Just listen to him speak. He’s a fuckin kid. He needs to know what he did was wrong, but the adults he was in care of? jesus christ. The girls aren’t the only ones being exploited here, that’s for sure.

At 15, if he was luring underage girls to perform sex acts on himself and adults, he is also a victim of sexual exploitation by those adults. No matter how much he enjoyed himself or how eager he was to take part.

I mean, yeah he is an asshole and deserves to be punished, but it’s kind of hard to look past the fact that he is 15 while the co-conspirators are 22 and 27 years old. Are we really supposed to believe that he is the “prime mover”?

Yeh, just reading how he speaks? He’s a fuckin stupid young kid. He should be punished, obviously, but not to the extent of a 27 year old. No way.

Plenty of people come back from being shithead 15 year olds. With the right guidance.

Just want to remind everyone that this kid is 15 and a piece of shit, but 15 and a POS is much different than 27 and a POS.

15 year old kid is sleeping with women in their 20s, getting into sexual situations with his adult manager and a man who is nearly 30. Whatever persona he’s cultivated, it still sounds like he’s been victimized and extremely poorly cared for. Makes Justin Beiber’s guardians look good

I am not sure I can look entirely past his age here. It’s fully possible that he’s been groomed and used by two adults to act as a lure on their behalf, whether he realizes that or not.

my sentiments as well, like he was a decoy to get the underaged girls or something. i mean the kid sounds like a douchebag...but like a regular 14 year old douchebag with too much privilege and the wrong people around him who are going to exploit him.

Spoken like a 14 year old...

well, not to be the downer on a downer — but this kid also sounds sexually exploited. (ref 15 yr old)

Def excited for this. The Missy track clinched it. Especially excited to see Alfred Molina being funny. Man’s brilliant. Oh, and Freeman the Fittie.

I REALLY wish that was true...

Is heard that was fake but let's pretend I didn't hear that.

Instant pharma’s gonna get you.

Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said

Of course you don’t order prime rib at a steakhouse—you order a porterhouse, like god and Peter Luger intended—but it’s a damn sight better than the bland tenderloin, a cut beloved by none but prisses who prefer their beef ‘lean’.