Koala de Vil RN

Why he couldn’t just get a divorce/abandon his kids (while leaving every one alive) like so many other deadbeats do is beyond me.

“[My] boobs are still the same,” she joked.

I wanna see Dolly’s tattoos! If they exist!

I feel confident that young Beckham’s marriage will last forever...

I loved how very scary and dark Dahl’s work was. The girl in the painting from The Witches will always haunt me. I still have all my paperbacks from when I was a kid. The Twits has to be my favorite.


Millennial progressives are fucking ignorant as all hell and their schtick is past annoying and tired at this point.

Don’t lump us into a monolith otherwise you’re making the same annoying and tired error.

I’m a Milliennial progressive, and I knew these things about Rob Reiner. We’re not all “ignorant as all hell”. How about, instead of making blanket statements about a group of people, like the author of this article did, we all try to have a bit more nuanced conversation?

I was born in 1990 and I still know that he literally got his start playing an ultra-liberal in All in the Family. Friggin South Park parodied how liberal he is when I was in high school.

the only thing more annoying and tired is the constant fucking neolib boomer whining under literally every jezebel article nowadays. go read msnbc or whatever the fuck

Yeah I’m pretty sure in the UK, anyone who works with children in any capacity has to have safeguarding training that states that it’s your duty (not sure if that’s just moral or actually legal) to report suspected abuse.

Hell, I had to do safeguarding training at work the other day and I don’t even work with the

America has been working on criminalizing being poor for a long time now. This is the next logical step. The fact is that you have to pay money to merely exist in America.

I was discussing this with US friends and every one of them said this wouldn’t be possible in the US because it would be 1) used disproportionately and violently against PoC 2) become so politicised that no politicians would dare do it and 3) be met with violent resistance.

Pine and Hemsworths are also on a best Chrises list.

Please spare us Chris Pratt’s twat.

Two hours of exercise now :) And curfew starts at 9!


Over 50 countries are now requiring people to wear masks in public, enforceable by fines or jail time in some instances. The U.S. just has shitty enforcement.
