The Upsetter

And Collin Jost looks like Gaetz half-brother, so he would know!

Yeah, well, I got hit as a kid. A lot. I sure as fuck didn’t “turn out fine”. Probably one of the worst things was when I read that people who grew up in abusive households tend to repeat the cycles of abuse. For that exact reason I never had kids of my own. I was terrified I’d be like that, too. Ironically when I

he’ll always be Quagmire 2.0 to me. It makes sense in so many ways now. (The thing with Nestor possibly being his lover seems so quaint to me now.)

Dude, this third person crap was bad enough when Bob Dole did it. 

The original version of Insomnia is better.

These bourgeois motherfuckers wanted to include “hand-painted family portrait” as an acceptable form of voter ID.  COVID couldn’t take out a more deserving couple.   

He may very well be. This kind of over-bragging about how many women are into you could be the kind of cover-up that he assumes other straight guys do.


P.J., Tobin and Squee will vouch for him as a stand-up dude!

I would agree, if only it didn’t endanger others who are vulnerable or cannot get the vaccine.

“which will lose most of its value as soon as you try to do so, because it’s mostly based in share value”

Could’ve been worse.

Obligatory comment for anything Tucker Carlson-related: his own mother left him only $1 in her will. She knew...she knew.

The Godfather: Part II is the best retort.

Cannot decide if you mean that as an insult or compliment.

Hot take: The Blake Edwards stylee is to cinema what Vicars and Tarts parties are to getting people together.

Dude, half my family are Trumpers, especially the ones who live in Florida.  So I share your pain, brother.

*Farts loudly

Our kids still play online together and I am not gonna take that away from either of them, especially during all this shit, but I am constantly asking my son what they talk about because I know that pilled parents pill their children and I want to make sure I am on top of any stupid shit my son may hear.”

When circumstances force him to pronounce “Oaxaca,” that will be the giveaway.