
You must really loathe the absolute shit out of yourself.

You’re right; if I’d been enough of a conniving, evil bastard to get there, I probably wouldn’t help anyone that didn’t boost my public image, either. Thank god for that.

I work my ass off every day and make six figures. However, I understand that if your entire worldview is built on the idea that everyone who thinks differently is an ineffectual chud, you wouldn’t be able to reconcile the two no matter what I say to you.

I don’t think I’ve said anything to indicate I don’t understand that. It’s part of the cycle of billionaire-worship - a ritual performed whenever a popular artist gets rich enough. I hate it.

Don’t worry, it’s enough for him just to feel like he’s on the same side as the rich and powerful.

Sounds like you don’t have much of a systemic understanding of the way money works, and look to exorcise any second-hand discomfort you feel when those cracks are exposed by smoothing them over. With all that’s wrong in the world, I don’t see how you could possibly have any bitterness reserved for people who don’t

Again, I’m not criticizing her for giving people 100k. I’m criticizing journalists for pretending it’s a big deal.

Good God. It’s not that she didn’t give this victim enough money; it’s that she doesn’t spend nearly enough on making a difference for people who need it. Where on earth does this defensiveness come from? I’m genuinely curious.

The Billionaire Defense Squad is working overtime today, huh.

What a flimsy ethical foundation on which to judge people’s actions. Celebrating celebrities when they hand out such pittances is exactly why they feel it’s enough.

“You people” Who? People who understand how money and power work? You can take your elitist bullshit and stick it right back where it came from.

If I had a billion dollars, you can bet your ass I’d be doing quite a fucking bit.

So it’s a solid 7/10.

She’s a billionaire. This shouldn’t even be a headline.

God, what I wouldn’t give for the Vishnevetsky review of this monstrosity.

There will never be an ethical candidate for president under our current system. I’ll vote Biden’s genocidal ass for the bare minimum civil rights protections he’ll toss at some folks who really need them, but I’m not going to pretend he isn’t a horrible person.

Did it seem like one?

Yorgos Lanthimos.

I’m kind of shocked that there’s no acknowledgment of this movie’s legacy as a poster child for white Frenchness (not necessarily in this article, just in the discourse at large). Given the director’s comments about the subject, it’s become hard for me to watch a movie I once adored for how obvious that agenda is.

You’re clearly short a history lesson. Racism quite literally didn’t exist until the creation of white supremacy as an enforcer of imperialist ideology. It relies on it to exist. Without whiteness, there is no race. You can either accept that you have more to learn, or drill down into your beliefs, but it doesn’t