
Yeah, this is a good take.

Zionists draw that circle every goddamn day.

I’m sorry, but it isn’t “obvious” to me why there should be an ethnostate, and if it seems so to you, you probably don’t understand the implications of what you’re saying.

Yeah, yeah, the youths are evil and misguided and blah blah blah. Just listen to yourself.

“I put a black screen on my Instagram”

I’m almost certainly younger than you are. She has the right to ask for however much money she wants, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

None of which justifies her being paid more than 5 million dollars for a horror movie as a rising 21-year-old star.

This woman is 21 years old. I’m all for bashing the studio for their horrific handling of Barrera and Campbell, but this comes off as a real bratty move by Ortega. This means $8-10 mil, right? For a horror movie? Fuck off.

Sure, but “high 7 figures” for a horror movie is absolutely ridiculous.

The headline writer clearly hasn’t watched any Bachelor. No fan of the show would ever be drawn in by this assertion.

This is as good a time to find out as any. Not blaming you for not knowing.

This ethic resulted in one of the best scenes of the movie. Hilarious shit.

Not sure supporting Israel’s treatment of Palestinians counts as “getting it right.”

All I know is people weren’t salivating like this over the chance to accuse someone of racism during Black Lives Matter.

I am so goddamn unbelievably excited for this fucking movie

It’s a movie. He doesn’t have to look exactly like the guy in order to play him. I’m actually more concerned about the implications this has for other performances.

Fun movie, but god damn Roth can’t write a character to save his life.

This Tweet is real. I’m sure your worldview will shift accordingly, right? Right??

Lin-Manuel Miranda haunts my dreams.

It’s pretty fucked to me that in a post where this person also characterized all Black and brown people as “hordes,” antisemitism has been chosen as the main takeaway. That “horde” language is exactly what is enabling the current genocide in Gaza, so it seems relevant to focus on that.