Saab. Explaining why would take too long, and I’m in the greys on Jalopnik, so no one will see this anyway. But yeah, poor, amazing, wonderful Saab.
Saab. Explaining why would take too long, and I’m in the greys on Jalopnik, so no one will see this anyway. But yeah, poor, amazing, wonderful Saab.
After restoring the headlights give them a couple coats with some clear plastic paint that has UV protection (typically the outdoor stuff)
Have one more car than you actually need if you are going to DIY everything.
Literally a wrenching hack - and has come in handy many times since I’ve learned it.
There were times when driving down the interstate on a long haul with a friend where we’d be cautiously passing time and after a bit look at one another thinking “dang, how fast is this?” and “what are we listening to?”
The answer was almost always 60 mph in a 65 and any music at levels soo quiet you could argue the…
That’s like when I go for a walk with a vape pen and I’m like, “Damn, I’m still on 46th? I’ve been on this same block for like a half hour, I think.”
This story makes me suspect that I was lied to as a kid. I thought potheads drove like this.
It was at this very moment when the thief realized that he should have spent more time on Jalopnik studying up on turning radius.
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude
Thank you for the reality check. You’re performing a public service here ...
OK. I’m fickin’ to go back and read the rest of article, yet I must say, I really thought her t-shirt read “Straight Outta Walmart.” And I thought well, that’s appropriate.
I feel like if an unmasked yelling person comes within 6 feet of you, you should be well within your right to pepper spray them
They should have been pepper sprayed, and had their fucking asses kicked, and be banned from Target for life.
I’ve posted this before and I’ll post it again because it stays relevant:
My partner and I are quarreling right now, so that guy getting it in the nuts was honestly kind of awesome for me. Also, I’m going to make a huge generalization here and say that he deserved it, based on the fact that the first thing he did was blame someone else for giving it to him upside down.
An xB truck conversion is something I never knew I always wanted.
My new trillionaire fantasy is going to Mitsubishi and being like “call anyone who worked on the Pajero Dakar program 20 years ago and build me a singular brand-new street-legal SUV with a hilarious engine/transmission combo. Here’s two million bucks to get the ball rolling.”
I saw the rear 3/4 view and was all: