
When I saw the third pod I thought PLEASE BE POWER GIRL, PLEASE BE POWER GIRL.
Until the blood thing…

"And that talking coyote was really just a talking dog."

"Ew, Pierce!"

*cut to Kenan's reaction face*

"The kickspit Underground Rock Festival"

"Run, Barry, Run!"

HHM probably gets a bulk discount on 35 year old Macallans.

"It's an agreement that I came to with the Bar Association."

"The two best assassins west of the Mississippi."

You know who we need? JANE.

He's a real stand-up guy. He'll stick his neck out for you.

I would love a later Saul Goodman commercial to beat that amount of Star Wipes. Just because he can.

In the Better Call Saul series finale, Jimmy introduces the new Cinnabon manager, Nacho.

At A1A Car Wash probably.

Or Aliens vs Commenters?

"I don't need safety gloves because I'm-"

Maybe for an upcoming Halloween Episode.

Honestly, I was first exposed to McKean from his forgettable run on SNL.

And he can see the difference between boy fish and girl fish.

I thought Vince Gilligan knew Bryan Cranston was comedy actor, but was impressed by his dramatic turn in the X-Files episode "Drive."