

And "Run, Barry, Run!"

Cisco's "Friend is a loose term. We just work together" was crushing. Absolutely crushing.

It's the A.C.C.E.N.T. System.

The scene where McNulty pretends to be British was sublimely ridiculous.

"SHUT THE F…RONT DOOR!" -Nate almost swearing

Also Scrye Magazine. That's a Mondo Combo.

The guy who could make a yellow spot appear on the wall from Xanth.

Maybe Facinelli is hanging onto the slim, slim hope of a Fastlane revival?

As a bonus, she's also cosplaying Ada Wong at Halloween parties.

I think the show should just go with it and have that one red dress the only thing Roulette ever wears.

"Hello, Megan!"

It's astounding that the CW shows often have better and more coherent action than 90% of blockbuster movies these days.

I don't know too much about chanbara films, but Sara's final duel looked like one of the best live-action adaptations of an anime swordfight, including her little skid when she came to a stop.

They will switch to green skin/ red hair soon, right? Saves them fx budget.

The white outline!

My favorite Charlie Brooker moment ever!
Back when he wrote video game reviews, he said he would "eat his arse" if Carmageddon 2 didn't win Game of the Year. It didn't and a reader called him out on in.
That led to this classic picture.…

My favorite Charlie Brooker quote is from Gameswipe when he was talking about the introduction of the Gameboy: Tetris brought intense, hand-held pleasure to millions. Just like your mum.

I imagined keeping only the first 10 minutes. The main guy realizes he's stuck in Europe with no money. Cut to credits.

At first I mistook Alice Eve for Barbara on Gotham. Especially their over the top obnoxious mannerisms.